
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Wingspan Expansions Review

 One of my FAVORITE GAMES OF ALL TIME is Wingspan, by Stonemaier Games! The art is gorgeous. The gameplay is both fun and easy to learn. And the educational value is out of this world! So of course I had to have all of the expansions! (I purchased the European Expansion and received the Oceania, Asia, and Fan Art Pack expansions from Stonemaier Games for review). I've Already done reviews of the base game and the Fan Art Pack, so I thought it was time for a review of the whole lot!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Wyrmspan Review

 Are you a fan of Windspan?  Do the gorgeous cards and "thinky" game play float your boat? Do you also love dragons? Would you like to build your very own dragon sanctuary where dragons of all shapes and sizes can come to roost?  Then Wyrmspan just may be the game for you!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Truck Off Card Game Review

Guys, I love a good card game!  Card games are so much fun.  They usually can accommodate a larger group of people.  They often don't have super complicated rules, so they can be taught to new players fairly quickly. And they're usually short enough in play time that you can play more than once if you really enjoy the game. Not only that, but I also love a good food truck!  Haha! I mean, food? On the move?  Food that just shows up where I am?  Yes please! So, what if there was a card game ABOUT food tucks?  Um, yes, please! Sign me up!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Delicious Game Review

I'm a huge fan of roll & write and flip & write games.  They involve cards or dice, lots of decision-making, and filling in some sort of play sheet, whether with numbers of drawings. These games are my jam!  And my family really enjoys them too! So when the wonderful folks at Pencil First Games offered to send me a copy of their beautiful flip and write game called Delicious, I was giddy with excitement!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Galaxy Trucker Board Game Review

Ever thought of getting into the trucking business?  How about the interstellar trucking business? If this sounds like an intriguing business opportunity, then Galaxy Trucker, by Czech Games Edition may be just the game for you!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

It's A Balloon!? Game Review

 As my kids get older, I really enjoy party games.  As a family of 5, it’s sometimes difficult to find a game that accommodates all of us.  Most party games have higher play counts.  They also involve some reading, math, and/or critical thinking. The folks at Rio Grande Games were kind enough to send me a copy of one of their party games for review! So let's take a look at It's a Ballon!?

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Tiger Stripes Card Game Review

 Card games are a BIG part of our gameschooling day. They're usually quick to learn, quick to play, and a fun way to take a break from "work." For this reason, I'm always on the lookout for cute, new card games that I think my kids will enjoy. That's why I was excited when Tabletop Tycoon sent me a copy of Tiger Stripes: The Card Game, by Flying Meeple, for review. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Aqua ROVE and ROVE Jr. Games Review

The wonderful folks at Button Shy Games have a couple of new games that just arrived on Kickstarter and I can't wait to introduce you guys to them! Created by Dustin Dobson and Milan Zivkovic (the team behind ROVE: Results-Oriented Virtual Explorer and Battlecrest), Aqua ROVE and ROVE Jr. entered the chat in April of 2024!

Button Shy was kind enough to send me review copies of both games, so let's "explore" these new games a bit!

Aqua Rove is a solo player game for ages 8 and up that takes approximately 15 minutes to play.