
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby Face Band Review

OK folks!  So this is one of those reviews where I literally said out-loud, "That's BRILLIANT!"  And this product really is brilliant!

So what is the Baby Face Band?  Well, let me start by giving you a little scenario.  Your little one is in preschool, or childcare, or the church nursery.  There are lots of little ones running around, leaving their sippy cups sitting all over the place.  Now, any good mom labels their child's sippy cup with their name. That really helps the teacher/caregiver know whose cup belongs to whom.  But it doesn't help the kids because they can't read!  So how do you label your child's sippy so that THEY can recognize it?  The Baby Face Band!!! 

Simply remove the plastic insert, unscrew it, place a small photo of your child inside...

And since you personalize it at home, you can change the picture as your child grows!!!  The plastic disc is also water-tight to prevent damage!

Then place the band around your child's sippy, and... Voila! How cool is that!!!!

And the folks at Baby Face Band made things even easier by providing a picture sizer on their website!  Just download your childs photo, resize it, and you are good to go!!!  The Baby Face Band comes in red, blue, purple, green and pink, so there's something for everyone!  And they only cost $7.95 each!

I decided to test the band out with several different sippy cups, just to make sure it really worked well.  The sippy pictured above is an Eco Vessel Insulated Sippy (our favorite sippy!) and it fit perfectly!!!

I also tried it with the Munchkin Might Grip.  The Munchkin is a little narrower around the middle, but the band fits well just a little farther down!

I tried it with our The First Years sippy.  Again, perfect!

And lastly, I tried the band with 2 more sippies (I'm not sure what companies they are)...  Again, perfect!


So, all in all, LOVING the Baby Face Band!!!

If you'd like to check out Baby Face Bands for yourself, you can do so HERE.

"Like" Baby Face Bands on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty nifty!! I have the inchbug labels and they are awesome but like you said the younger babies and toddlers don't know which is theirs.
