
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Drawer Decor Review

I have to admit, there is one drawer in my kitchen that's, well, A MESS!  Its crammed full of kitchen gadgets and tools.  Its so hard to find anything in that drawer.  You want proof?  Here it is...

Ouch!  It pains me to even put that picture on my blog!  But I wanted to be totally honest, so there it is.  Thankfully, a wonderful little company called DrawerDecor sent me something to help me with this problem - their DrawerDecor Starter Kit!

Their starter kit consists of 1 Basemat, 5 long Divitz, 5 short Divitz, and 5 triangular Divitz.  So, how did this cute little purple mat save my drawer?  Well, you start by placing the mat into your drawer.  (You can cut it to fit, but my drawer was extra-long, so I just placed the mat on one side.)

Next, you lay all your kitchen tools on the mat and arrange them how you like them...

Once you've got the tools all arranged, you place the divitz on the mat to hold each tool into place!  (The divitz stick to the mat so that your tools don't move, but can also be rearranged!)

So, how does my drawer look now?  Well, after using the DrawerDecor Starter Kit (and only getting rid of a few things) my drawer looks like this...

No kidding!  I only moved a few things out of the drawer, and yet my drawer is SO much more organized now!!!  I can see everything easily.  My tools don't roll all around when I shut the drawer.  Everything is right where I need it!!!!  AWESOME!!!

Wanna see my before and after???

You can buy your own DrawerDecor Starter kit for $24.99 - HERE.  (It comes in Red, Blue, Orange, Iris, or Lime!)  You can also buy extra basemats or divitz separately if you need more!

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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