
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ecopiggy Review - RiNGLEY Teether


I love finding a cool, new shopping websites!  What can I say?  I love to shop!  Ecopiggy is one of those great new shops that I've recently found!  As their website says...

Ecopiggy is a national distributor of natural childrens products. From reusable lunch bags, to organic teethers, to wellness products; we closely research each brand, confirming quality of product and fair trade practices. Then we test out the products on little-piggies and receive parent feedback.  Ecopiggy offers quality service. We think carefully about how our actions not only effect our family, but how they effect the families around us.

Ecopiggy has lots of really cool natural products.  They also really seem to care about their customers and strive to handpick every product that they sell.  One of those products is the RiNGLEY Natural Teething Toy.  And the wonderful people at Ecopiggy very graciously sent my little one one of these teething toys to try!

RiNGLEYs are made in Canada and combine 2 of the best teething tools - untreated maple wood and 100% cotton terry cloth.  So, whether your little one is in the mood to knaw on something hard or lightly chew on something soft, this teether is the answer!  They are also easy to hold and can be used wet or dry.  They are super-soft too! - Just like holding on to a washcloth!  :)

RiNGLEY makes several different shapes for their teething toys and Ecopiggy carries 7 different ones!  Here are a few examples...

Teethers   Teethers  Teethers  Teethers 

If you'd like to see what else Ecopiggy carries, you can check out their website HERE.
"Like" Ecopiggy on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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