
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hip-Peas Product Review

While searching for some safe, healthy, haircare products for my little girl, I came across a company called Hip-Peas.  OK, so lets just say I was hooked from the minute I saw the name!  I mean, how cute is that! 

Hip-Peas' line of haircare products was mom-created!  I love that!  To me, mom-created products are the best because moms REALLY know what their kids need and what will work the best! And I'm THRILLED that these products are NATURAL!!!  WooHoo!

The awesome folks at Hip-Peas were kind enough to send us 3 products to review.  The first item we received was this great Natural Kids Hair Balm...

Now, I don't know about you guys, but we normally give our little one her bath in the evening.  That's the easiest time to do it.  Plus, she's nice and clean when she goes to sleep.  The only problem is, when she gets up in the morning, her hair is a mess!  Its flying all over the place!  When my little one woke up from her nap this afternoon, the entire back of her hair was sticking out.  I combed it, but it just wouldn't lay flat.  No problem!  I opened up this hair balm (that had JUST arrived in the mail!) and applied a little to the back of her hair.  It tamed that flyaway section right away!  WooHoo!  And it didn't leave her hair all "greasy" eaither!

The next item we received was the Hair Detangler...

Now, my little one's hair isn't particulaly curly, but when we get her out of the bath its often a tangled mess!  And she fusses so much when we try to brush it and style it.  Tonight, when I got her out of the bath, I sprayed some of this detangler on her hair.  It brushed very easily!  I was so happy! 

The last item we received was the Teenie Genie Detangling Brush...

I was SO excited to try this brush on my little one!  The "magic" of this brush is that it has different-sized bristles that bend so that they gently release tangles without ripping out hear.

My little one just couldn't keep her hands off of this brush!  I used it with the detangler after her bath, and it worked really well!  And no screaming while I was brushing her hair!  WooHoo!

If you'd like to check out Hip-Peas for yourself, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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