
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Leaky Collection Jewelry Review

I love finding new pieces of jewelry!  I just love jewelry in general!  And I've found some really great new pieces, thanks to the folks at The Leaky Collection!  They jewelry is made in Kenya, from items such as fallen wood, zulugrass, and porcelain!  Best yet, these items are handcrafted by women in Kenya, so the folks at The Leaky Collection are not just making awesome jewelry, but they are helping these women support themselves and their families!  As I've mentioned before, I LOVE LOVE LOVE a company that gives back like that!!!

The awesome folks at The Leaky Collection sent me 3 pieces of jewelry to review.  The first one was this lovely Bangle Bracelet...

This bracelet is so cool!  Its actually made from grass beads!  So unique!!!  And I love the colors! - Purples, reds and peaches give this bracelet a very lovely look!  This piece of jewelry would easily go with a nice dress OR a pair of jeans!  (I love jewelry that can go with everything!)  If you'd like to see what other colors this bangle comes in, you can do so HERE.)

The second item I received was this 16" Zuluwood Blonde Cross Necklace...

This necklace was actually made from fallen Acacia wood, so they aren't even cutting down the trees to make this jewelry!  So cool!  (You can also get this necklace on a 19" chain!) The beads are strung on very nice, stretchable wire, so there are no hooks to fumble with!  Its also unisex,so that's pretty awesome!  (This necklace also come in dark wood.)

But the most awesome thing about this necklace to me is, as I said before, its made of Acacia wood.  If that name sounds familiar to you, its because you see it in the Bible!  (Exodus 37 and 38, to be exact!)  Acacia wood is what was used to make the Ark of the Covenant and all of the structural features of the Tabernacle!  So cool!  I feel like I'm wearing a piece of biblical history when I wear this necklace!  This would also be an INCREDIBLE gift to give a child that is reading through the Bible!

This last item I received was this Veterans Support Yellow Ribbon Bracelet...

This bracelet is made from fallen branches and the charm is branded by hand!  I love this bracelet! I've been wearing it everyday!!!   I guess that's because my dad is a Vietnam veteran!  I also have many other family members and friends who have served in the Armed Forces, so I love being able to show my support!!!  But the most INCREDIBLE thing about this bracelet is that from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, 5% of the sales of these bracelets will be donated to Freedom Is Not Free to support our wounded veterans!  That's just awesome!!!

This bracelet is very nice with pale yellow beads.  Its on stretchy material and fits perfectly on my wrist!  (And its not huge, so I can wear it on my watch hand if I want!)

If you'd like to check out The Leaky Collection for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" The Leaky Collection of Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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