
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shelby's Journey Candles Review - A Company with a Purpose!

As I've mentioned in several of my reviews, I LOVE LOVE LOVE finding a company with a purpose!!!  I love to shop, and if I can give my money to a company that is "doing good" I'm all for it!  Shelby's Journey Candles is one of those companies!  (Plus, I love the name "Shelby.")  ;)

But to tell you a little more about this company, first let me introduce you to Shelby...  Shelby is a young woman who was born missing multiple limbs.  The doctors had no explanation for why this happened.  All they were sure of was that she would never lead an independent life.  But Shelby proved them wrong!  Today she is very independent - studying Psychology, starting her own candle business, and learning to drive her own truck!

One reason Shelby is able to live an independent life is because of Gable III - her service dog.  She received Gable III free of charge from Canine Companions for Independence.  Now Shelby is giving back by donating a portion of the sales from her candles to this wonderful organization so that more people can receive service dogs!

I received a LOVELY handmade soy candle in Wild Watermelon scent...

And, let me tell you, this candle smells SO GOOD!!!!  Seriously!  I'm always hesitant to buy candles that I haven't had a chance to smell because some times they don't smell like what they are supposed to.  But this candle smells JUST LIKE watermelon candy!!!  YUM!!!

And she didn't skimp at all when she filled the candle either!  It goes all the way to the top of the jar!  And look how cute the color is!  LOVE it!!!  Shelby has TONS of scents to choose from too!  She even has an unscented one called Plain Jane - for people who love to burn candles, but don't want the scent.  :) 

If you'd like to check out Shelby's Journey Candles for yourself, you can do so HERE.
You can also buy Shelby's Journey Candles on Etsy HERE.
"Like" Shelby's Journey Candles on Facebook HERE.
Join Shelby's Journey Candles on Twitter HERE.
Learn more about Canine Companions for Independence HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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