
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Solartex Sun Protection Clothing and Suimsuit Review

I have a really awesome review for you guys today! sells some great sun protection clothing for adults and kids!  The folks at Solartex were kind enough to send me several items to review. 

The first item is this incredible toddler bathing suit called My Pool Pal...

This swimsuit is totally unique and incredible! It has foam inserts all through it to allow your little one to float!  So awesome!  Best of all, the foam inserts don't absorb water, so it doesn't become really heavy once they get in the water.  This suit didn't seem to bother my daughter at all.  It wasn't really heavy or bulky for her.  Of course, just like always, this should only be worn with adult supervision.

The next item I received was this Adult Swim Shirt...

This shirt is pretty awesome!  Its Chlorine-resistant and blocks over 98% of UVA & UVB rays!  It protects the chest, the upper arms, and the neck from the sun!  Its also thin and comfy.  This is an awesome shirt to wear to the beach or the pool!

I also received the Adult Swim Shirt in this really pretty blue color...

So pretty!  I love the fact that my entire family can be protected from the sun and ready for the pool!  My little one has her INCREDIBLE swimsuit, my husband has his awesome red swim shirt, and I have this great blue swim shirt!

I took my little one to the pool today.  She wore her new swimsuit & I wore my new swim shirt over my swim suit.  I think my little one's swimsuit will be GREAT for helping to teach her to swim because it floats so easily!  It was so much easier to hold her up in the water because the suit was doing most of the work!  And, as far as my swim shirt goes, I thought it would be hot and uncomfortable, but it wasn't!!!  It was totally comfortable!  It wasn't "skin tight" - which was great, but it also stayed in place.  (Meaning that it didn't float away from my body like most t-shirts do.)  I really loved the swim shirt and felt like I was so much better protected from the sun today!  (Which is great because I am very fair-skinned.)  WooHoo!!!  :)

If you'd like to check out all of Solartex AWESOME sun protection items, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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