
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Citrus Lane February 2013 Boxes Review and 50% Off Your First Box!!!

Its that time again!!!  Time for another Citrus Lane review!!!  If you read my blog at all, you know how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Citrus Lane!!!  They send a monthly box to your house based on your child's sex (you can choose a female, male or gender neutral box) and age (you can order boxes for newborns all the way up to 5 years old)!

We've been receiving 2 Citrus Lane boxes for several months lately - one for our toddler and one for our baby (due any day now).  My toddler LOVES opening her surprise box each month!  And I've LOVED receiving newborn boxes through my pregnancy!  Now I have a nice stash of bath products, feeding products, books, baby toys, etc. for when our newest addition arrives!!!

So without further ado, let's get to the boxes, shall we!  This first box was for our newborn...

I have to say, I was SO EXCITED when I opened this box!!!  Here's what we got:
1.) 6-pack of Washcloths from Kushies ($6.49) - I was really excited to receive these!  I'd been wanting to replace some of our old baby washcloths and this set is great!  I did receive the "boy" set, which I'm pretty sure was an accident.  But I've already emailed Customer Care and they are GREAT about resolving any issues that might arise.
2.) Little Taggies Blankie from Taggies ($9.99) - These little blankies are so soft and cute!  Perfect for the baby that is just beginning to feel and pull on things.
3.) 1 package of Little Buddy Wipes from Me4Kidz ($2.49) - You can never have too many antibacterial wipes- especially during flu season!!!  And these are safe for kids because they don't contain alcohol!  WooHoo!!!
4.) 1 Cage Bell Instrument from Hohner Kids ($7.00) and
5.) 1 Tube Shaker Instrument from Hohner Kids ($5.25) - I was ECSTATIC when I saw both of these in my little one's box!!!  All of these boxes this month got some sort of instrument from Hohner Kids - mostly drums, tambourines, etc. - that cost $10-$15.  Since these 2 instruments were less expensive, they included both!  How awesome is that!!!!!

And here is the box that my 2 1/2 year old received...

Again, this box was pretty awesome!!!!  Here's what my toddler received...
1.) Ook the Book from Chronicle Books ($5.95) - I can not tell you how much I LOVE this book!!!  And my little one loves it too!!!  I've read it several times to her since it arrived yesterday!!!  Its just so much fun!!!
2.) Hand Drum from Hohner Kids ($11.00) - My little one has had so much fun playing this drum!!!
3.) 1 package Little Buddy Wipes from Me4Kidz ($2.49)
4.) Tooth Gel from Branam ($5.69) - This tooth gel does not contain fluoride, so its safe for little ones and is meant for ages 6 months to 4 years old.  And its grape flavored, which my little one loves!
5.) Discovery Toner from Pangea Organics ($12.00) - This is a little mommy gift!  Citrus Lane likes to do that occasionally and Pangea Organics is a wonderful company!!!

One again, these were AWESOME boxes!!!  You can check out all of my past Citrus Lane reviews HERE.

You can receive monthly surprises for your kids as well!!! Just use this REFERRAL LINK to get 50% off your first box!
Check out all of my previous Citrus Lane reviews HERE.

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