
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kidorable Hooded Toddler Towel Review

You may remember my previous review of the Kidorable Dancer Bookends.  I LOVE those bookends!  They are perfect for any little girl!!!  Well, the folks at Kidorable have done it again.  This time its hooded towels!!!  And the awesome folks at Kirdorable were kind enough to send me one for review!!!

I received this ADORABLE "Lucky Cat" towel in the toddler (Medium) size.  These towels come in 2 sizes - Small (up to 2 years) and Medium (3-6 years). And they are SOOOO cute!!!  My toddler was thrilled when it arrived!

And it arrived in this clear plastic bag, so my toddler loved carrying it around...

This towel also has some precious extras to make it so lovable.  Check out the little cat paws!  So cute! -

And it even has an adorable pocket with a little mouse on it!  LOVE!!!  -

Oh!  And did I mention that its really soft!  Yep!  My toddler and I both love this towel!!!  And Kidorable has lots of different ones to choose from - including mermaids, ladybugs, pirates, and frogs!

If you'd like to check out all of Kidorable's fabulous products, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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