
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Malcolm Designs Etsy Shop

As I've mentioned so many times before, I LOVE homemade items!  I could seriously window shop on Etsy ALL DAY LONG.  You know, if I didn't have kids to take care of and a house to clean.  LOL!  Anyway, I've found another fabulous shop - Malcolm Designs.  The lovely owner of this shop was kind enough to send my toddler this ADORABLE shirt for review...

My toddler is most definitely a little princess, so this shirt is perfect for her!  And she loves it!  I love it too because its so well-made.  And I LOVE the crown design!  You can tell that it was very carefully, and lovingly made...

There are lovely little beads on the tips of the crown and in the middle of the heart, so this cute crown shimmers in the light!  And I LOVE that the beads are individually sewn onto the shirt to make them stay on well!  I'd definitely suggest you check out Malcolm Designs right away!  :)

Check out all of Malcolm Designs' fabulous items on their Etsy shop HERE.
"Like" Malcolm Designs on Facebook HERE.

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