
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Polka Dot Babe Etsy Shop Review

We just brought home our second bundle of joy.  And what a joy it was.  I really wanted to get our 2 sweet girls a few personalized items.  But I didn't want to shower them with lots of toys.  (We've got plenty of those.)  One of the items I chose came from Polka Dot Babe Etsy Shop.  This shop is FABULOUS!!!  They sell some great items, the main one being hooded towels for kids!  My girls' towels arrived folded neatly and tied with a cute ribbon!  It was such a great presentation!

These towels are SOOO pretty!!!!  And since they are made from adult towels, they are larger and thicker than "baby towels."  (I can't stand how thin baby towels are!  Its like they don't think babies get wet when you wash them!  LOL!)  But these towels are nice and thick - and snuggly!

I got this purple towel with my baby's name on the back...

And I got this pink towel with my toddler's name on the back...

As you know, if you read my blog, I don't use a lot of personal info (like my kids' names), so I won't be showing the names on here, but they are done with the same material as the trim.  You can see some of the letters in this picture...

One of these towels is such a wonderful, practical gift for any little one!  Its something they can actually use - and mom and dad will really appreciate - and yet any child will love it because it has their name on it!  This was the perfect gift for my toddler - who just became a big sister - because its one thing she knows she doesn't have to share with her little sister.  :)

Check out all of Polka Dot Babe's great items on Etsy HERE.
"Like" Polka Dot Babe Boutique on Facebook HERE.  (They do monthly giveaways on their Facebook page, so make sure you "like" it and check it out!!!)

"Like" The Proverbs31 Mama on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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