
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Toosh Review

I'm always looking for safe, natural skincare products for my kids.  There are so many nasty ingredients in most products and I just don't want to use those on them.  I've found that most of the really great, natural skincare lines were developed by moms who wanted safe products for their kids.  And that's how Toosh came to be!

Toosh was developed by a mom who, after bringing home her adopted son from Ethiopia, decided to start making his skincare products for herself.  She was kind enough to send me several products for review.

The Smooch Stick is a lip balm for little lips.  It contains honey and aloe very to help moisturize dry, chapped lips.  And the peppermint oil gives it a nice, fresh scent.

The Soothing Face Balm calms and protects your baby's skin from the weather.  It contains jojoba and calendula to soothe and nourish dry skin.

And the Booty Balm contains lavender and tea tree oil to protect your baby's sensitive skin.  It uses antibacterial herbs and essential oils.  And its safe to use with cloth diapers!

But the great folks at Toosh are also doing their part to help others!  1% of all sales go to help benefit orphanages in Ethiopia!!!  Ethiopia has more than 5.5 million orphans!  ONE IN SIX children die before their fifth birthday.  Half of all Ethiopian children will never attend school.  How tragic!  So its incredible that Toosh is doing their part by donating to help these sweet children!   I love a company that's doing good!!!!

Check out all the great products on the Toosh website HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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