
Friday, June 21, 2013

Blogging Through the Alphabet

I've been playing with the idea of doing a special blogging series recently.  I love doing reviews and recipes, but I also love just blogging my thoughts, stories, etc.  And so, after seeing a few other bloggers do a "Blogging Through the Alphabet" series, I decided that this would be a fun and challenging idea! 
But I didn't want to do it all by myself.  I thought this would be a great way to introduce my readers to some of my mama-blogger friends!  So folks, we're gonna have some great fun and some interesting reads for the next 26 weeks!  Starting next week, myself and 7 of my blogger friends will be blogging through the Alphabet!!!  Woohoo!

Now, I didn't want to put too many restrictions on this blog challenge.  After all, I wanted as many of my friends as possible to be able to join me.  So, there are no rules on what they can blog about.  They can pick a theme - the Bible, homeschooling, funny stories, recipes, life events, etc. - and blog about that each week.  Or they can simply blog about something different each week.  The only rules are that it has to have something to do with the particular letter of the Alphabet that we are on that week and it must be family-friendly.  (But I'm not worried about inappropriate content with these girls.)
Before we started, I wanted to introduce you to the other ladies who will be joining me in this challenge, so I asked them to write a little blurb about themselves.  So, without further ado, let me introduce you...

Jessica -

 "Hi I'm Jessica Buxton. I'm a momma of two busy boys who are almost 3 and 9 months. I'm a missionary with my husband Marc (his blog is a great read We live in Manila, Philippines. I grew up as a missionary kid so I'm very accustomed to the culture here in Manila. I post about anything and everything. I love cooking and trying new recipes but I also love me some DIY projects! I try and be one of those moms who does cool stuff with here kids but that happens about once a month lol. I hope you enjoy what you find here. -Jessi"
You can also find Jessi on Pinterest and Twitter.


Tara - Organized SAHM

Hi there!  My name is Tara, aka Organized SAHM.  Over at Organized SAHM you will find menu plans, recipes, homescholling posts, crafts, Pinterest ideas, book reviews, and sewing projects.  I'm an organized homeschooling mom to four kiddos, otherwise known as 'Things' on my blog to protect their identity.  I like change, DIY projects, cooking, writing, and long sentences."
You can also find Tara on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.


Charity - Family Redefined

"Hi! I'm Charity Roach. I'm married to my wonderful husband, Tim. I was born and raised in Michigan and was transplanted to South Carolina 10 years ago. I love the south, but I think I'm still a northerner at heart! I'm a former career-minded, quality assurance professional turned stay-at-home mom! I'm new to the SAHM business (2 years), but I'm loving every minute of it. I'm mom to six kids. I have one biological son and five adopted kiddos. My son is 14, I have a daughter from China who is 9, a daughter from Ethiopia who is 4 and we are parents to three kiddos in Ghana who we are working to bring home! Our oldest daughter in Ghana is 9, our son is 6 and our youngest Ghanian blessing is our daughter who is 4. I'm a mom who is passionate about adoption and the cause of the orphan. I'll soon try my hand at homeschooling in order to bring my Ghanian kids up to speed to their grade levels and give them time to adjust to their new life in the US. I don't think I have it in me to do it full time, so I'll send them off to school with the others when they are ready. The best part of my life… when we sit down at the dinner table, it's like a meeting of the United Nations. I find beauty in diversity! I love the life God has given me, and I hope to share some of my passions with you!  For this challenge, I will be blogging "The ABC's of My Heart."
- In Christ, Charity"
The Roach Family
Tim, Charity, Cameron, Anna and Sara
Waiting on Mary, Nathaniel and Isabella to come home from Ghana

Marla - MIPRIP: Finding Joy

"Hey, friends! I'm Marla Stanley-grew up as a missionary kid in South Korea and now I'm a WAHM in Northern VA. I love my life as a wife, homemaker and mom to our now 1 year old Madeleine. My blog, Miprip: Finding Joy is where I get to share about our life and what we are finding. These finds are everything from quotes to recipes to great deals! I am really excited about this Blogging Through the Alphabet challenge and am looking forward to sharing the 'Joys I Have Found from A to Z'!"

You can also find Marla on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

TaMara - Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

"Hi, I'm TaMara, blogging over at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama. I live in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina, and I'm "Mama" to 5 blessings - 1 boy age 13 and 4 girls ages 10, 10, 8, and 5. I blog about our life; between homeschooling all 5 small people and all of their extracurricular activities, life is never dull at our house."

You can also find TaMara on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Sarita - The Lone Tater

"My name is Sarita and I am a sort of SAHM working mom of 4 socially awkward home school kids. Irreverence is welcome and humor is necessary but beware when the soap box comes out. I can get on it! I write when the Spirit moves or when I can't silence the voices. Randomness is my theme and sarcasm is my greatest weapon. So come on in and put your feet up. I will pour you some coffee and we can set a spell! Welcome to The Lone Tater!"
You can also find Sarita on Twitter.


Kenan - Grandger Babies + all the rest

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"Kenan is my name and mommy is my game! I am a Jesus following, hubby loving, home schooling mommy to three wonderful kiddos! I love all things organizing and DIY makes me all giddy! My blog is a catch all for the things going on in our little world! Enjoy!!"
You can also find Kenan on Pinterest.
So, these are the FABULOUS ladies that will be joining me in this blogging adventure!   I'm really excited!!!  I hope that we all get some blogging inspiration and I hope that my readers will discover some new, great blogs as well! 
Oh!  And please feel free to chime in!  If you have an idea for a topic (for any letter of the alphabet) please leave it in the comments!  I could use all the help I can get!  Haha!  And stay tuned!  Next week I'll post the links to all of our very first posts for this series!!!
Happy Blogging!

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