
Friday, September 12, 2014

"Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible" E-book Review

I love receiving Bible study books, study Bibles, and other helps for review!  Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible is another great Bible study tool.  With articles by the likes of Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, and Thomas R. Shreiner (among others), this e-book is filled with a wealth of information.

Now, just as fair warning, the information in this e-book is actually found in the ESV Study Bible.  So, if you already own that Bible, you may find this book repetitive. I, however, do not own that Bible, so this was all new information to me.  The book contains essays on the different sections of the Bible (an essay on the Old Testament as a whole, and essays on the Pentateuch, Historical books, Poetic & Wisdom books, and the Prophetic books, and essay several essays on the New Testament: including The Roman Empire and the Greco Roman Empire at the Time of the New Testament, The Time Between the Testaments, Jewish Groups at the Time of the New Testament, and much more).

There are also three differnent timelines included in this book to help you better understand the events of the Bible: Old Testament Time Line, Intertestamental Events Time Line, and New Testament Time Line.  At the beginning of the book there's also an essay called "An Overview of the Bible's Storyline," by Vern S. Poythress.

These essays do a good job of walking you through the entire Bible.  They are not "light reading."  By that I mean, I had trouble concentrating while watching the children, etc.  These are definitely essays to read during a quiet time when you can concentrate.  But they are definitely interesting reading.

I received a copy of this e-book, free of charge, from Beyond the Page in exchange for my honest review.

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