
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"God Gave Us Angels" Book Review

I am VERY picky about the religious books that I buy for my children.  I want them to be biblically accurate.  For that reason, we don't have any books that are about angels.  Most children's books describe angels as pretty little women with halos.  Many books also tell us that loved ones become angels when they die.  All of these characterizations are unbiblical.  But when I saw this book by Lisa Tawn Bergren, I thought I'd give it a try.  We bought her book, "God Gave Us You," for our first child and we love it.

So how do I feel about this one?  I LOVE IT!!!  The book is biblically accurate (except, of course, for drawing the angels as bears.  LOL.  But then, when the entire book series is about bears, its an understandable literary license to take.)  Not only is the book biblically accurate, but she doesn't shy away from the common misconceptions about angels: what the look like, what they do, where they came from, etc.  Nope!  She dives right in and answers all of those questions.  I'm so glad I picked this book to review!  I'll be searching out more of Ms. Bergren's books!!!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.

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