
Thursday, November 6, 2014

"God's Greatest Gift" Children's Book Review

I'm going to be completely honest here - because that's what a blog reviewer should be.  This is not my favorite review book.  I was excited to receive it, as I love getting books to read with my kids, but I wasn't thrilled with the message.  I'll explain more below.

First of all, here's what I liked about this book:
1.) The pages are colorful and fun.  The illustrations are simply, yet eye catching - perfect for little ones.
2.) Each page only has one line.  I love simple children's books like this!  A two year old can only hold on for so long.  Haha!  A book with just a few lines on a page is perfect for them because they are ready to help you turn the pages pretty quickly.  Haha!
3.) I thought the book had more pages than it does.  That's because the pages are a lovely, thick, sturdy paper. This makes it harder for a little one to tear and also makes it easier for them to turn the pages.

Now here's what I disliked:
1.)  The entire book is about God's greatest gift to us.  Each page leading up to the end of the book asks, "Is God's greatest gift...?"  For example, "Is God's greatest gift the creatures that live in the sea?"  This all leads up to the final pages, which say, "All these gifts are precious, its true, but God's greatest gift is you!"  While I appreciate the sentiment, I don't believe its correct.  As my husband said when I asked him to read the book, "God's greatest gift is not a child, its THE CHILD."  God's greatest gift was His Son, Jesus Christ. I don't think this book is meant to be deceitful or in any way to draw our attention away from the gift we have received in our salvation through Jesus Christ, I just think that maybe it was a bad choice of words.  A better phrase would have been "God's greatest creation."

Again, I hate to give a book a bad review.  And as I said, there are many things I loved about this book.  But, to me, this particular message isn't one I want to share with my kids.

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookCrash, in return for my honest review.

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