
Monday, November 17, 2014

NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible Review

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE reviewing study Bibles!  Its so amazing to see the insights that others have into the Word.  For this reason, I jumped at the chance to review the NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible.  And, I have to say, I'm so glad I did!

So here's what I like about this devotional Bible:
1.) I received this devotional Bible in the hardback version.  While I'm not usually a fan of the hardback versions of Bibles, this one stays open very well.
2.) There's a reading schedule at the beginning of the Bible (for reading through the Bible in one year).  But I like that its just numbered (instead of listed by dates), so if you don't read one day you don't feel that same defeated feeling.  Also, there are little boxes next to each listing, so you can check off as you read.  So really, whether it takes you one year or five years, you can keep track of reading through the Bible.
3.) Each book of the Bible begins with an introductory page.  It tells you who the author (or presumed author) was, who the audience was, the dates (or presumed dates) it was written, and the theme(s).  Then it gives you a brief synopsis of the book.
4.) There is a one page devotional for each "day" of the reading schedule.  These are very interesting and I love that they correspond with the reading schedule, so its not just random (where you might read one day and not get a devotional).  The devotional is just one page (just a few short paragraphs) and is divided into 3 different sections.  The first section is called "God's Story" and based on the subject of the reading for that day.  The second section is called "The King's Heart" and ties in what happened in that day's reading with God's heart for us.  And the third section is called "Insight" and is usually just a few short sentences with a historical fact that enlightens that day's reading.

Since we are getting into the holiday season, I opened up the devotional Bible to the book of Luke to see what it had to say about Jesus' birth.  It was called "God's Love Causes Angel Awe."  Right away it caught my attention!  I really loved it!  It was quick and easy to read, yet powerful.  Let me give you a little sample.  Here's what "The King's Heart" section for Luke 1-2 says:
"Jesus' coming to earth must have been incredible for the angels.  They knew him as King, the worship-worthy One. Maybe God had told them his plan, or maybe it was a surprise. Regardless, the Son leaving heaven and coming to earth must have been an amazing event for them.  The Creator was coming to earth the be a creation. Not only that, but he was starting from the most vulnerable point of all - a single cell in a woman's womb.
God in a single cell.  And then God as a baby. No wonder the angels burst on the scene in such powerful celebration to announce Jesus' birth to the shepherds. They knew just how amazing this news was. The good Kind had come.
As Jesus left his heavenly home, the angels clearly saw God's heart: God loves us so much that he'll do anything to rescue us."
Isn't that wonderful!?!  This is definitely a devotional Bible to add to your collection!  And I think it has an interesting an unique take on the devotional Bible genre!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

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