
Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Baby Wren And The Great Gift" Book Review

If you read my blog or follow me on social media, you know how much I love Sally Lloyd-Jones' Jesus Storybook Bible!  Its so beautifully written!  Her book, "Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing," is another favorite.  So I'm always excited when I see she's publishing a new book!  And she's got a new book out that's PERFECT for Spring - "Baby Wren And The Great Gift"!

This book officially releases on April 5, 2016, but the AWESOME folks at Zondervan were kind enough to send me a copy for review!  Let me start by saying how much I LOVE the cover!  Its so beautifully illustrated.  So inviting and full of the beauty of Spring!  The story is about a baby wren who sees all sorts of other animals that can fly higher, climb, or swim - all things that she can't do.  She's saddened by her "shortcoming" until she finally realizes what God made her to do.

I read this book with my daughters today and they enjoyed it.  The illustrations kept them engaged, and the story was simple and easy to understand.  Best of all, it precipitated a discussion with my five year old on what her special, God-given talents are.  I was able to point out some of her natural abilities.  The only bummer is that the book won't be available for Easter.  It would make a lovely addition to any Easter basket.

I received this book, free of charge, from Zondervan, in exchange for my honest review.

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