
Monday, May 16, 2016

"Having A Martha Home The Mary Way" Book Review

I'll be honest. I wasn't sure I'd enjoy this book.  Its a book on homemaking/housekeeping and this is an area I struggle with.  I'm not the most disciplined when it comes to house cleaning and chores. But I was pleasantly surprised.  This book is so much more.

The book takes its name from the sisters/friends of Jesus in the New Testament: Mary AND Martha.  Why Martha was most definitely a great "housekeeper," she wasn't a great "homemaker." And there is a difference!  A housekeeper is obsessed with the perfection of the clean home and the perfect meal.  The homemaker is great a cleaning and serving, but recognizes the importance of relationships. Sarah Mae breaks this book up into 31 short, encouraging devotionals.  After each devotional, there's a Mary Challenge and a Martha Challenge.  The Mary Challenge involves studying a passage of Scripture.  The Martha Challenge involves a well-structures list of cleaning/straightening up duties.  If you're looking for a book that short, easy to read, encouraging, AND includes a detailed schedule for keeping an organized house, this book is for you!

Just to give you a little taste of the greatness of this book, here are a couple of excerpts from the book:

"You are a creator of beauty and peace and safe spaces. You are a homemaker. Let's embrace the empowering definition of who we are: 'Who is woman? She is the redeemed life-giver, enlivened by the love of Christ and continuously renewed by Him as she nurtures others.'"

"When I enter into the mundane and choose to clean even when I don't want to, I am closer to who Jesus is. I am choosing to be like Him. And when this happens, not only is my character changing for the better, but cleaning becomes an act of worship."

I received a digital copy of this book, free of charge, from Tyndale Blog Network, in exchange for my honest review.

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