
Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Pressing Pause:100 Quiet Moments For Moms To Meet With Jesus" BookReview

As a mom of three littles, I'm busy.  Some days I'd even used the word "overwhelmed." And its often hard to find time for an extended quiet time.  By that I mean, my quiet time may be an hour long, but it will be broken up into 15 minutes here, then breaking up an argument, changing a diaper, bandaging a skinned knew, cuddling a crying toddler, 10 minutes there, then getting a snack for a hungry baby, finding a kindergartener's lost shoe, cleaning up the apple juice on the floor, etc.  That's why books like "Pressing Pause" are so helpful!

"Pressing Pause" is just what it claims to be: "100 quiet moments for moms to meet with Jesus."  And they're broken up into "mom increments - a couple of minutes each.  Each "quiet moment" is a devotional, complete with a passage of Scripture, a personal story, a discussion of how the two relate, and a couple of questions to get you thinking more deeply.  Some days you'll be able to read the devotional, meditate on it for a long time, get out a couple of Study Bibles and research more deeply, write you thought on the questions at the end of the devotional... Some days you'll be lucky to get a quiet two minutes (possibly while hiding in the bathroom) to read the devotional all the way through before motherhood beckons.  Either way, you're making progress on that journey to spend more time with Jesus!

I love that the devotionals aren't scheduled by a day of the week, etc. so there's no feeling guilty if you didn't get to read one on Monday.  Plus, they're so short and rich that you could read several throughout the day.  And I love that EACH devotional has Scripture.  Although the life lessons and personal stories are great, its not really a devotional if it doesn't include God's word!  It may be just a couple of verses, but each lesson includes a Scripture!  I love that!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers, in exchange for my honest review.

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