
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Cat In The Box Card Game Review

 Are you a fan or trick-taking games? Do you love out-of-the-box thinking? Are you into physics? You ever heard of Schrodinger? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then have I got a game for you!

Cat In The Box, by Bezier Games combines trick-taking, a completely out-of-the-box game idea, physics, and that pesky Schrodinger's cat for a game that is truly unique and tons of fun! So let's take a look!

Cat In The Box plays 2 to 5 players in 20 to 40 minutes. And although it says 13+ on the box, I think younger players can definitely play this game - as long as they can make it through the instruction phase without their brains exploding.  Haha! But seriously, the game isn't really difficult.  It's one of those games that "sounds" complicated, but once you play you realize it really isn't.

So how on earth is this game related to physics, you might ask? Well, let me tell you a little story about  Schrodinger's cat. On its most basic level (which is the only one I'll ever understand) you suppose there's a cat in a sealed box with a flask of poison that is rigged to break.  But you have no way of predicting WHEN the flask will break.  Therefore, until the box is opened, you can assume that the cat is both dead AND alive.  Understand?  Yeh, me neither. But I'm gonna move on anyway.

In Cat In The Box you're playing a typical trick-taking game.  Except you're not. In most trick-taking games, the lead player plays a "lead" card.  This card is either a certain suit or a certain color.  So, if I'm the lead player, let's say I play a yellow 4.  All other players must then play a yellow card if they have one.  The player who plays the yellow (lead color) with the highest number wins the trick and takes the cards as their reward.

I know what you're thinking, "Lady! WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH SCHRODINGER AND THAT DANG CAT!?!? Well, I'll tell you. In Cat In The Box, the cards you play have both NO color and A color - all at the same time!  

What? That's INSANE! 

I know it is!  But it also makes for a brilliantly fun twist on the average trick-taking game! As you play a card, you declare its color.  Then you lay one of your playing pieces down on the matching color and number on the "research board" in the middle of the table.  Now that "cat" has been let out of the box and you know exactly what it is - which means no one else can play that number with that specific color again during this round.

There's also a trump suit and a way to play cards that aren't the lead color, but seriously, I'm not gonna restate all the rules.  You just need to try it for yourself!  It's one of the most inventive card games I've seen in quite a while - and I've seen a LOT of card games! 

What I love about this game:

1.) The unique gameplay! - As I mentioned earlier, I've never seen a game quite like this one before.  And its hard to find a unique game these days!

2.) The little tokens! - The tokens are a necessity with the way the game plays, but they could've been basic circles or cubes.  Instead, each set of tokens is a lovely, science symbol and that gives the game that extra oomph!

3.) The color! - Although the cards are black and white, the rest of the game is chock full of color! And that makes for a really vibrant, beautiful game!

4.) The player count! - As I've mentioned repeatedly on this blog, we're a family of 5, so any game that plays 5 or more is automatically going to the top of our playlist!

5.) Cats! - I mean, do I really need to say more than that? Cats are awesome. Period.

So if you like card games, trick-taking, unique game play, physics, or cats, you've gotta give this game a try!

I received this game, free of charge from Bezier Games, in exchange for my honest review.

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