
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Great Titles from CGE (Czech Games Edition)

 The fine folks at Czech Games Edition were kind enough to send me a fabulous box of games for review! It's like Christmas in May here at our house! So, let's take a look and see what they sent!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Great Titles from Rio Grande Games

I love a fun review package!  It's always like Christmas when we receive games for review.  And the wonderful folks at Rio Grande Games were kind enough to send us a package full of fantastic games!  There's something in here for everyone: family card games, party games, and board games! So let's take a look!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Flash 10 Card Game Review

I'm not usually a fan of speed-type games.  They're just too anxiety-causing for me. Haha!  But one game that I love and that my kids love is Dutch Blitz!  It's a speed game that's like solitaire in a group.  Everyone is grabbing cards and trying to finish first. It’s fast, it's fun, and it never seems to make me anxious. Well, thanks to the kind folks at Devir, I've found another speed game that is right up there with Dutch Blitz in my family's estimation - Flash 10!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Autumn Card Game Review

Our family are big fans of card games.  We are particularly happy when we find games that play all 5 of us.  But sometimes hubby and I just want a 2-player game.  Or a couple of my kids feel like playing when no one else is available. So quality 2-player games are a must in our home.  That's why I'm so glad I found Autumn, by Devir Games!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Doomlings Review

My family are big card game lovers, so I was excited when the folks at Doomlings asked me to review their game. In Doomlings, each player is a new life form on a distant, alien planet. You're all competing for supremacy - until the inevitable end of the world. (It's a lot less doom and gloom than it sounds. I promise!)