
Friday, May 10, 2024

Great Titles from Rio Grande Games

I love a fun review package!  It's always like Christmas when we receive games for review.  And the wonderful folks at Rio Grande Games were kind enough to send us a package full of fantastic games!  There's something in here for everyone: family card games, party games, and board games! So let's take a look!

Pictures and Pictures Orange

Pictures is a party game that plays 3 to 5 players in less than 30 minutes. In Pictures, each player is using a set of components to create a picture.  Then each other player tries to guess which picture you created. 

My family LOVES this game - and the Orange expansion 9that includes more picture cards and 2 new sets of components)! It's really quite the creative exercise.  Some pics and some sets of components are easier to work with than others.  But in each game, you work with each set of components once, so it's very fair to everyone. It's so much fun to try and figure out what each player has created - and to hear their explanation of why they designed their pic the way they did.

Pictures won the coveted Spiel De Jahres (Game of the Year) award in Germany in 2020! (If you're a board game enthusiast, you know what a HUGE deal this award is!)


Queenz is set collecting game for 2 to 4 players that plays in 30 to 60 minutes. In Queenz, players are beekeepers trying to attract bees in order to produce the best honey. 

I'm a big fan of a bee-themed game!  And I love the opportunity to use a game as a teaching tool!  Queenz gives me the opportunity to discuss pollination, honey production, ecosystems, and the importance of honeybees to food production!

Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs is a card game that plays 2 to 4 players in 30 to 45 minutes. In Musical Chairs, you're simulating a game of musical chairs using cards instead of music.

Its hard to find a board/card game these days with a completely unique theme, but this one is definitely a unique star! I love the musical chairs theme and gameplay!  And I love that it helps enforce a few musical concepts with Rest cards and Repeat cards (employing the musical symbols for both those actions).


FTW?! is a card game for 2 to 6 players that plays in 25 minutes or less. In FTW?!, you're trying to get rid of all of your cards but one.  And you want that one remaining card to be a high number because the highest score wins! If you're left with more than one card, you'll take your highest number and then subtract all your other cards from that one to get your score.

This is a simple, yet "thinky" family card game.  I love that it plays my entire family! It definitely falls in the "easy to learn, but hard to master" category, which means it has great replayability! 

Fancy Feathers

Fancy Feathers is a quick moving, family card game that plays 2 players in less than 30 minutes.  (You can play with more players if you add more copies of the game.) In Fancy Feathers, you're searching for pheasants for your pheasantry. 

This game is simple to learn and simple to play. And the cards have lovely illustrations of pheasants on them! The 2-player count makes it a fun game to play with a friend or loved one. And the small box makes it very portable (although it does need a rather large area for gameplay.) 

I received these games, free of charge from Rio Grande Games, in exchange for my honest review.

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