
Friday, April 20, 2012

Citrus Lane April 2012 Box Review and 50% Off Your First Box!!!

If you'd like to check out Citrus Lane for yourself, you can click this REFERRAL LINK and get 50% off your first box!!!

Yeah!  The day my little one and I look forward to ALL MONTH LONG finally arrived!  Our Citrus Lane box came today!  If you have never heard of Citrus Lane, its a WONDERFUL subscription company that sends out a monthly box for your child - based on their age and gender.  The boxes cost $25 a month (that INCLUDES shipping!) and they are filled with safe, fun products for you and your children to use and enjoy.  Every month has a theme and this month's theme was "Bath and Bedtime Fun."  (If you'd like to see my review on last month's box - theme: "Dining Out" - just click HERE.)

As I mentioned before, the boxes are based on your child's age, so a baby would not receive the same thing that a 2 year old would receive.  My daughter is nearly 2, so the box we receive is a "toddler" box.

The first thing that greets you when you open your box each month is this lovely yellow tissue paper!  I love the color yellow!  Seriously, is there a "happier" color in all the world!!!  (I save the tissue paper for fun art projects with my little one, like "stained glass" suncatchers.)

Every box also contains a helpful flyer.  The flyer gives you information about each product you receive (including its value), coupon codes for various companies represented in the box, and even helpful hints that correspond with the box's theme. (For example, this month's helpful hints in the toddler box were suggestions on how to help your child learn to brush their teeth.)

In this month's box, we received a "20% off plus free shipping" promotion code for, a "$10 off any order of $40 or more" from, and a $15 gift certificate to!  (I have already used my ecomom gift certificate to order my daughter some awesome toys!!!)  :)

Now, on to the contents!  (My favorite part!!!)  :)

As I mentioned before, this month's theme was Bath and Bedtime Fun," so everything in the box was geared towards getting your little one clean and off to dreamland!  The first item in this month's box was this ADORABLE board book by Paul Frank...  This book came at the PERFECT time!  My little one has been waking in the middle of the night.  I assume its dreams that are waking her up.  This book is all about how wonderful dreams can be! - And how you can be and do anything you want in your dreams!  (I was worried this would be too "boyish" for my little princess, but the pages inside the book are geared towards boys AND girls!  There's even a pink castle and a unicorn on one page!) (This adorable board book retails for $6.99.)

The next big item in this month's box was a set of Dunck Stacking Bath Toys by Skip*Hop.  These adorable little scoops shaped like birds are BPA-free, PVC-free, and Phthalate-free!  Your child can use them to scoop up water or watch them float, and you can use them to rinse your little one's hair after shampooing!  (I love a toy that's functional, as well as fun!!!)  They are also dishwasher-safe!  (These fun toys retail for $10.00.)

The next item we received was this HUGE 5oz tube of Branam Kids Natural Toothpaste.  Last week, right after the boxes shipped, we received an email from Citrus Lane explaining that they had accidentally sent us the wrong toothpaste.  They meant to send out the Branam's Tooth Gel (which is for younger children), but sent the Branam's toothpaste (which says its for kids 4 years old and up) by mistake.  But this is how GREAT Citrus Lane's customer service is: The email we received last week apologized for the mix-up and stated that they would be sending the the tooth gel to us as soon as possible!  (I spoke with them today and its supposed to ship next week!)  Now, as far as safety goes, the toothpaste that came in our box does not contain flouride, so I'm not really sure what the big deal is.  But they are SO wonderful at Citrus Lane that they don't want to make ANY mistakes!!! These guys are TOP NOTCH!!! (This toothpaste retails for $7.99!)

The last item that my daughter received was this full-sized, 12oz bottle of Seventh Generation Natural Handwash in "Fresh Citrus."  The flyer stated: "Even if your little one isn't using the potty regularly yet, its a great time to reinforce handwashing!  Many moms use handwashing as part of their child's nighttime routine, to kick off a lifetime of good hygiene habits."  This handwash is free of dyes and synthetic fragrances, so even if your little one has extremely sensitive skin, this stuff will work well!  (Citrus Lane very smartly packaged this handwash in a ziploc bag to protect the rest of the box's contents!  And I'm so glad they did, because mine appears to have leaked.  But Citrus Lane customer service to the rescue again!!!  I spoke with one of their WONDERFUL people on the phone & she said they would be sending out another FULL-SIZED bottle in the mail today since mine leaked.  These guys are INCREDIBLE!!!  (This 12oz bottle of handwash retails for $3.49.)
(UPDATE:  I called Citrus Lane on Friday - when I received the package - and let them know about the handsoap leaking. They told me they would be sending me out a new bottle immediately.  And they weren't joking!!!  They sent it out right away & it showed up on my doorstep on Monday!  That's one of the BEST parts of Citrus Lane!  Their Customer Service is PHENOMENAL!!!)

OK, so if you haven't been adding this up in your head already, that's $6.99 for the book, $10.00 for the bath toys, $7.99 for the toothpaste, $3.49 for the handwash, AND a $15 ecomom giftcertificate. That brings the total value of this box to $43.47! (And I'm not even counting the discounts to ChronicleBooks or JuiceBeauty! That's $43.47 worth of stuff for $25! And then they ship it to you FOR FREE!!! I just can't get over how wonderful this company is!!! Also, after you sign up, you get a referral link that you can share with friends and family. For every person who signs up using your link, you get a $15 credit on your account!!! That's incredible!!! I originally signed up for a 3-month subscription (just to try it out), but I love it so much that I just recently extended my subscription for another SIX MONTHS!  And, I was able to use some referral credits to get a discount!  Citrus Lane, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

Oh, and there's always a little special surprise for the moms in every box as well!  This month's surprise was a deluxe sample of Juice Beauty's Antioxident Serum!  (And the "mommy gift" always comes in a cute little bag too!)  :)

In conclusion, Citrus Lane is a GREAT company!!!  I am SO GLAD I found them!!!  The products they send are always top of the line and their customer service goes out of their way to make you feel wanted as a customer!

Update (4/23/12) - Citrus Lane just let us know the theme of May's box - "Fun in the Sun!"  Yeah!  Can't wait to see what we receive!!!  :)

You can receive monthly surprises for your kids as well!!! Just use this REFERRAL LINK to get 50% off your first box!
Check out all of my previous Citrus Lane reviews HERE.

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