
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Orange Owl Shop Review

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE to find new products, stores, services, etc. - I love to be the one to tell all my friends!  One new store that I found recently and LOVE is The Orange Owl.  The Orange Owl is a lovely little store in Vermont owned by Akshata Nayak.  Akshata was born and raised in Bangalore, India.  The Orange Owl sells handmade soaps, lotions, lip balms, etc. that are a lovely mix of Akshata's Indian AND American lives.

As her website states, "We find the inspiration for our products in a myriad of places. From the smell of early morning coffee with a hint of cinnamon, hikes along some of the most beautiful trails in New England, to a plethora of experiences in India, we have epiphanies all the time. This can result in some of the most random note making known to man."

I received 2 wonderful products for review:
Handmade Soap in Neembu Paani

I chose to try the Neembu Paani soap because, as the website states, Neembu Paani is "a tribute to two cultures via a combination of Indian lemonade (called Neembu Paani and made with a hint of cardamom) and lemon poppy seed muffins. The blend of zesty lemon scent with the spicy zing of cardamom, makes this an exceptional combination!"

This soap is LOVELY!  It has a fresh, yet exotic scent.  As you can see, its filled with poppy seeds, which make for a very gentle exfoliant.  The soap didn't leave a strong smell on my skin - just a light, fresh aroma.  And I felt "squeaky clean" after using it.  :) 

The best part - the ingredients are simple (no sodium laureth sulfate or any other junk in here!) - Just "Saponified Organic Oils of Palm, Sunflower, Coconut, Almond, and Cocoa Butter; Lemon Peel Powder; Poppy Seeds; Essential Oils of Lemon and Cardamom!"

I also received this lovely lip balm...
Lip Balm in Citrus Splash

I chose the Citrus Splash because I'm a big fan of orange flavored/scented things.  Sometimes though, an orange-flavored lip balm can be too strong - making you feel like you just rubbed orange juice on your lips.  Ick.  Not the case here!  This lip balm has just the slightest hint of orange!  Refreshing, but not overwhelming!  Its also very moisturizing - which I need!  My lips are ALWAYS chapped.  So this little gem is going into my purse IMEDIATELY!  :)

Again, no nasty additives here!  The ingredients are simply: "Organic Oils of Jojoba, Coconut, Avocado and Castor; Beeswax and Vitamin E Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Essential Oils of Sweet Orange."

All in all, I LOVE my products from The Orange Owl!  The packaging is lovely, the products are great, and the prices are reasonable ($6.99 for a bar of soap and $3.75 for a lip balm).  They also sell bath salts and body lotions.  And I've heard they are about to introduce a line of body scrubs!  Yippee!!!

If you'd like to check out the Orange Owl for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" The Orange Owl on Facebook HERE.
Join The Orange Owl on Twitter HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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