
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Babbabox Subscription - May 2012 Box Review and $10 OFF

I LOVE doing crafts and projects with my little one!  I am always online looking for new projects to do with her.  The problem is, everytime I find a new craft, I have to buy lots and lots of supplies.  For example, if I want to do one of those pom-pom caterpillars, I have to buy a bag of clothes pins, a bag of pom pom balls, a bag of little plastic eyes, a bag of pipe cleaners, etc.  That can get pretty pricy.  And then, if we don't really enjoy the craft or it doesn't go well, I'm stuck with all of those extra supplies.  Ugh!

Not anymore!  Jessica Kim, the inventor of Babbabox, has fixed that little problem for me!  She's also saved me hours of online research on fun crafts and learning projects!  How?  Well, Babbabox is a subscription service ($29.99 per month) that sends a box of WONDERFUL craft projects and other fun items to your door EVERY MONTH! (For children 3 to 6 years old.) That's right!  All I have to do is wait - rather impatiently ;) - for our box to arrive!

So what's in a Babbabox?  I'm so glad you asked!  Every Babbabox contains 4 components: Create, Explore, Story Tell, and Connect.  The Create portion contains 2 to 3 craft projects that you can do with your child!  And the best part is - they include EVERYTHING!!!  If the project requires crayons, you get crayons.  The Explore portion is an item to help your child engage with nature and the world around them.  The Story Tell portion is a book that has to do with the theme of that box.  Yes - EVERY MONTH your child gets a new book!  And lastly, the Connect portion is a prepaid download for your iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, etc.  Its a fun game or other item for your child!  How cool!!!

So, why don't we discuss May's theme was "Sprouting Seeds" - a wonderful theme for this time of year!  I love how the Babbabox isn't just about "crafting."  Its about "learning!"

Our package arrive at the door packed in this ADORABLE box...

How cute is this!!!

When you open your box, there is a lovely little card that tells you all about that month's theme...

And look how much we received!!! -

The first thing in our box was this lovely little pair of scissors!  Now, they were packaged separately with this lovely poem, so I believe that this is a general gift for every first-time Babbabox recipient...

Each project was also individually packaged!  This made it SO easy to see what supplies went with each project!  So awesome!!! -

For the Explore porton of the box, we got this awesome magnifying glass and a brochure about plants!  The brochure suggested taking your little one outside and letting them "explore" nature with their magnifying glass.  (My little one was sick, so we stayed in.  But don't worry!  We still used our magnifying glass a little later on!)

The first project we received was a "Flower Pen" project.  We got everything we needed to make flower pens - 2 pens, 2 flowers, floral tape, and even a cute cup to use a "pen holder!"  And their was also a couple of sheets of paper explaining the different parts of a flower!  How cool is that! -

I let my little one color the included pages.  (The crayons were not included in the box because, technically, these weren't coloring pages.) -

I decided that we would just make the flowere (instead of using the pens). That way my little one could really play with them...

She really enjoyed this project!  And we used the cup that was included as a "vase." -

The second project in the box was actually planting something!!! We received 2 planters, soil for each, a packet of seeds (to grow herbs!), and even a box of chalk to decorate the planters!!! -

I was more interested in decorating the planters than my little one was.  But I had TONS of fun!!!  ;)

The brochure included with this project suggested that we soak the seeds for a couple of hours, so I did.  (I'm SO glad they gave step-by-step instructions for these projects, because I DO NOT have a green thumb!  In fact, I was pretty sure I was gonna mess this up, but they made it pretty impossible to mess up!!!)

Once the seeds had soaked for a while, we used the magnifying glass we received to "inspect" them more closely.  It was a package of about 4 different herbs and the brochure even gave pictures of each seed so that you could identify them!  How cool!!! -

We placed the soil in the planters and poured the water in.  Then we planted our seeds! -

Then we placed our planters on the window sill where they could get lots of light...

As I mentioned before, I was pretty sure I was gonna mess this project up and nothing would grow.  But we've been watering them everyday and LOOK!!! -

We have herbs!!! 
(Both planters are growing. I just took a closeup of one.)

The next portion of the box was the Story Tell  portion.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Jessica Kim includes a book in EVERY Babbabox!!!  What better way to get your child interested in reading/ listening to stories than by giving them projects to do and a corresponding book!!!  The book included in this month's box was actually two books in one! - Curious George and the Perfect Carrot and Curious George Plants a Seed.

We read both stories right away because they were just so adorable!!!  And colorful too!!! -

For the Connect portion of the box, we received a prepaid code to down load Dr. Seuss' The Lorax's Garden.  Its an ADORABLE game where you help the Lorax in his garden!  Such a cute game!  And I LOVE that they include some sort of fun app in every box!!!

But that wasn't all that was in the box!!!  The folks at Babbabox didn't forget mama!  They always include a special little treat for mom in every box!  This month's treat - CARAMEL!!! WhooHoo!!! -

I was SO impressed by this box!!!  Everything was so much fun and so well-thought-out!!!  In fact, I had just as much fun and learned as much as my little one did!  I love that!!!

If you'd like to check out Babbabox for yourself (or to send to a grandchild or little friend), you can do so at babbaco.comUse THIS LINK and get $10 off your first box!!!!
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