
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Brenda's Perfect Brittle Review

I was SOOOOO excited when Brenda's Perfect Brittle contacted me about doing a review because, well, I LOVE peanut brittle!!!  Little did I know what an AWESOME treat I was in for!!!  Brenda's Perfect Brittle is more than just peanut brittle.  In fact, she has more than TWENTY DIFFERENT TYPES!!!  And, let me just tell you, this stuff is SOOOO GOOD!!!!!

Brenda very generously sent me 7 different types of brittle to try, so I'm just going to show you guys each one and then tell you what my hubby and I thought of each one...

My hubby LOVES anything blueberry flavored, so he was more than willing to help me "review" this one!  :)  And he was not disappointed!  He said that this brittle was nice and sweet - which he loved.  And he also loved that it had TONS of blueberries and almonds in it!

My dad is coming to visit, so I'm saving this one for him because he loves both macadamias and coconut!  But I did try it & it is AWESOME too!  If you like macadamias, you'll LOVE this!  And I really like that the coconut flavor was subtle and not overpowering.  This is SUCH a unique flavor!  Nutty, salty, sweet!  YUM!

Again, my hubby loves cherries and pecans, so this was right up his alley!  In fact, this was the first brittle that he wanted to try.  Again, he was very impressed by the sweetness and the amount of cherries and pecans in this brittle.  (Don't you hate it when you get a brittle that's 90% sugar and only 10% nuts!  That doesn't happen with Brenda's Perfect Brittle!)

Brenda says that this is her most popular flavor and I can TOTALLY see why!  This brittle is soooo yummy!  In fact, my husband declared it the BEST peanut brittle he has EVER eaten!  No joke!!!  He was absolutely CERTAIN that the peanuts Brenda uses are not ordinary peanuts, so I asked her.  Turns out that he was right!!!  She uses Valencia Spanish raw peanuts from New Mexico (where she is based).  And the peanuts REALLY make a difference!  There's just something about this peanut brittle!!!   And I also LOVE that it isn't all sticky and chewy!  Its nice and, well, "brittle," so you don't feel like you're gonna break your teeth!  ;)

I have to say, this was one of my FAVORITES!!!  (Although they are ALL delish!!!)  I've had all sorts of brittle - peanut, almond, pecan...  But I've never had cashew brittle.  Man!  I Had NO IDEA what I was missing!  This mix of cashew and sweet brittle is SOOOOO YUM!!!!!!!!  The perfect mix of nutty and sweet!

I LOVE spicy food, so I was really PSYCHED to try this brittle!!!  And it did NOT disappoint!!!  Its spicy, yet sweet!!!  But its not too spicy, so if you want a brittle with a little bit of a kick, this one's for you!  Now, if you want a brittle with a LOT of kick, check out the next one...

Again, this brittle is a PERFECT combo of sweet and hot!!!!  I remember, as a kid, getting those packages of spicy hot salted peanuts at the grocery store.  This reminded me of that!  So yummy and spicy!  But also sweet!  Oh My Word!!!  This one has more kick than the green chile peanut brittle, but if you love spicy you HAVE to try this one!!!

 In short, EVERY SINGLE flavor we tried was yummy!!!  Its very obvious that Brenda really takes pride in her brittle!!!  And I love that she sells it in more that one size, so you can buy an 8oz bag if you know what you want or try several smaller bags and let everyone pick their favorite!!!  She also sells 2 different sizes of party platters! 

Check out Brenda's Perfect Brittle HERE.
"Like" Brenda's Perfect Brittle on Facebook HERE
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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