
Monday, June 4, 2012

Bunnies & Bows Personalized Pillowcase and Tooth Fairy Pillow Review

I love getting personalized items for my little one.  I think maybe its because I have a name with a "weird spelling."  You know those key chains, necklaces, Christmas ornaments, pens, etc that have names on them?  Well, I could never get one of those because they NEVER had the spelling of my name.  I think that's part of why I have an overwhelming desire to get my little one things with her name on them.  But my mother-in-law (who is EXTREMELY wise) once warned me against buying her shirts with her name on them.  When I thought about it, I realized she was COMPLETELY right.  Think about it.  If someone wants to take your child, they can just walk up to them and call them by their name.  A child will probably trust someone who knows their name.  Scary right!

That's why I LOVE Bunnies and Bows!  They make personalized pillowcases!  - Something that is going to stay in your child's room.   I love that idea! They make toddler pillowcases, regular pillowcases, and tooth fairy pillows that can be personalized for your sweet little one - or your older child.  (They have pillowcases that even adults would love!)

The wonderful folks at Bunnies and Bows sent my little one 2 items to review.  The first item we received was this ADORABLE Ladybugs Tooth Fairy Pillow...

This little pillow is SO CUTE!!!  And it has a little pocket to place a tooth in (and then have the "tooth fairy" replace it with money!)  By the way, does anyone know the going rate for the tooth fairy these days?  Just wondering.  ;)  I've covered up the pocket in the picture above because it contains my little one's name, but here is another picture of the pillow from the Bunnies and Bows website so you can get the full effect...
Larger Image

The second item we received was this ADORABLE Princess Pillowcase...

I cannot tell you how cute this pillowcase is!!!  Its Just adorable!  It says "The Princess Is Sleeping" on one side and has my little one's name on the other.  And you can personalize it even more by choosing brown, blonde, or red hair to match your little one!  Again, I've covered up my little one's name, but you can see how absolutely adorable this pillowcase is!  (I love that this is a regular-sized pillowcase too!  It will grow with my little one!  And, as all mamas know, my little one will be MY "princess" FOREVER!)  ;)

If you'd like to check out Bunnies and Bows' full selection of regular-sized pillowcases, toddler pillowcases, and tooth fairy pillows, you can do so HERE.
"Like" Bunnies and Bows on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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