
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Citrus Lane Pampered Pregnancy Box Review and 50% Off Your First Box

OK folks!  Its that time again!  Time for another Citrus Lane box review!  But this time its not their monthly subscription box. (I hope to review June's box early next week!)  Nope!  Today's post is on one of their AWESOME stand-alone boxes - the Pampered Pregnancy Box to be exact!  Now, before the rumors start flying, no I AM NOT PREGNANT.  I am simply reviewing this awesome box.  Just wanna make that clear before the emails and Facebook posts start pouring in.  ;)

As I've mentioned before, Citrus Lane is an INCREDIBLE service for moms!  They have a monthly subscription service that sends your little one a box curated to their age (from newborn to 3 years old), full of useful items such as bibs, hats, baby bottles, sippy cups, toys, bath toys, books, etc.  Each month has a theme and the box is filled with surprises! (You can check out all of my Citrus Lane monthly box reviews HERE.)

April's "Bath and Bedtime Fun" Box
But Citrus Lane also has a couple of "stand-alone" boxes. (Gift boxes that you can order for yourself or a friend, that are not part of their subscription service.) And that's what today's review is all about!  The Pampered Pregnancy Box is filled to overflowing with incredible items to make any pregnant lady "ooh" and "ahh!"  And the value is INCREDIBLE!!!  Citrus Lane sells this box for $65, but it has more than $120 worth of merchandise inside!  PLUS their are a couple of gift cards inside, so when you count those, the box is worth $167.45!!!  Are you kidding me???!!!???

So let's just crack this baby open and see what's inside!  This awesome gift contains items to pamper and please any pregnant woman "from head to toe," so let's start at the head and work our way down...

Every pregnant mama needs to pamper her face - especially with all those hormones running amok!  Zoe Organic is a company that's all about safe, organic products for pregnant moms and little babies.  This face wash is so gentle and safe, that it can be used on mom AND baby!  It does not contain surfacants (chemical foaming agents found in most soaps) and is not a detergent!  (It comes in a 5.25oz bottle with an air foaming pump and costs $16.00.)

Once you've pampered that face with a gentle wash, you want to make yourself look pretty!  What better way to do that than with this Josie Maran Lip Gloss in "Glow"!  Its such a lovely, neutral shade. But it also has just that little bit of "sparkle" to make it fun!  This lip gloss is conditioning, non-sticky, and long-lasting.  Its also made of organic ingredients and contains no parabens! (This lovely little lip gloss costs $18.00.)

And, while we're pampering our mouths, lets not forget about CHOCOLATE!!!  Every woman needs a little chocolate in her life!  And the Vosges Haut-Chocolat Peppermint Candy Cane Bar is PEFECT for pregnant mommies! Not only does it contain yummy dark chocolate, but peppermint - which is known to calm moody stomachs! - Peppermint is said to help ease morning sickness!  (This bar is 3 ounces of chocolate delight and costs $7.50.)

And, since we are already discussing morning sickness, here's a FABULOUS, safe, nonchemical remedy for that nasty nausea - Psi Bands! These pretty little wrist bands use acupressure to help ease nausea caused by morning sickness, motion sickness, chemotherapy, and anesthesia.  And they come in some really fun and cute designs, so they look like cute pieces of jewelry!  (This set of 2 Psi Bands costs $15.00.)

Now that we've moved down from pampering the face to pampering the mid-section, let's talk about those nasty stretch marks!  This box has something for that too - Mama Mio Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Butter!  Mama Mio has tons of great pregnancy products, and this rich, thick 4 ounce tub of Tummy Rub is no exception!  Its won lots of awards! (This Tummy Rub costs $35.00.)

I told you this box will pamper the pregnant body "from head to toe," and I wasn't kidding!  So lets handle those toes!  Citrus Lane has included a package of Tip Toes by Foot Petals.  "Tip Toes" cushion the ball of your foot, protect from the formation of calluses, and absorb shock.  We all know how stressed out our feet can become during pregnancy, so these little petals are perfect to pamper pregnant feet!  (This package of Tip Toes costs $12.95.)

The last product in this fabulous box is a book to help you "get your style on" while pregnant - Bump It Up by Amy Tara Koch.  The box's brochure states, "Instead of taking a nine-month hiatus from fashion, Amy advocates using your bump as the ultimate fashion accessory. With some creativity, effort, and a whole lot of accessories, you can look and feel fabulous from week seven all the way through the dreaded fourth trimester."  (Bump It Up costs $18.00.)

As I mentioned near the begining of this post, Citrus Lane has not only included more than $120 worth of merchandise, but several giftcards and promo codes as well!  WooHoo!  Check these out...

What woman doesn't love Spanx!!!  This box also includes a $25 giftcard to!

And, as if the Spanx card wasn't enough, they've also included a $20 giftcard to!!! has offered an awesome promo code in the box!  Use the code on their site to "Buy one, get one 50% off" AND free shipping!!!  Sweet!!!

And, lastly, to help protect your little one, they've offered a promo code for $250 off cord banking from!!!

Now, I don't know about you, but I would have jumped and down for joy if I'd received a box like this when I was pregnant!!!  This box really will pamper your pregnant loved one from head to toe!!!  It truly is the PERFECT gift for any pregnant mama!!!

You can receive monthly surprises for your kids as well!!! Just use this REFERRAL LINK to get 50% off your first box!
Check out all of my previous Citrus Lane reviews HERE.

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  1. I have looked on Citrus Lane Website and can not find where to purchase this box at? Can you help??

    1. Sorry but they no longer carry this box. 😞 Hopefully they will start selling it again! If you are looking for a great gift for a pregnant friend, you could order her a gift subscription to Citrus Lane. They will send her newborn boxes until the baby arrives. I did that for myself (and for a friend). It's a great way to stock up on some baby essentials! 😊
