
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Episencial Natural Skin Care Review and PROMO CODE

I recently discovered Episencial Skin Care when we received one of their products in our May Citrus Lane box.  I am always looking for healthy products for my little one, and Episencial Skin Care fits that bill perfectly!  :)  Episencial's entire line of skin care is safe for newborns, made with all natural ingredients, manufactured in the US, and made using solar power and recycled sustainable packaging.

We received their 3-Step System.  It includes one item each to cleanse, nourish, and defend your little one's skin... 

The 3-Step System my little one received contained an 8oz bottle of Playful Wash (cleanse)...

The playful wash is great because its a shampoo and bodywash in one!  I love those!  They are gentle on the whole body - and I only have to worry about having one bottle at the tub!  WooHoo!  And it smells SOOOOOO good!!!  That is not an exaggeration!  This wash is not made with synthetic fragrances!  It actually uses juice extracts!  And, I'm telling you, it has an AWESOME orange scent!  YUM!!!  Its made from organic calendula, oat extract, and thyme oil.  Its also ph-balanced to be tear-free and quick-rinsing - which is great when you're dealing with a squirming little one!!!

The second item that we received was a 4oz tube of Soothing Cream (nourish)...

This lotion is unscented, which is great!  Too many scents can be distracting and annoying, in my opinion.  It soothes itchy, bothered skin!  It also has a cooling effect, which is very soothing for little bottoms!  And I love that it can be used all over the body! - From face to bottom!!!

The final item we received was the 4oz tube of Sunny Sunscreen SPF 35 (defend)...

Once again, this lotion is gentle enough for even your little one's face!  And its unscented, which I love!  (Sunscreens can often smell pretty nasty.)  Its also water-resistant!  WooHoo!  Its made from transparent zinc and green tea and is even hydrating!

I love how healthy and safe all of Episencial's products are for my little one!  But they are also SUPER CUTE!!!  (Notice the adorable Eric Carle illustrations on the front of each package!  So sweet!)

The AWESOME folks at Episencial have kindly offered my readers a promo code!  Enter code EPIPROVREBS at checkout to receive 20% off your order!!!  (One time use code.  One per customer. Expires July 31, 2012.)

If you'd like to check out Episencial for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" Episencial on Facebook HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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