
Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Original Dish Drying Mat Review

I received a product for review today that its pretty awesome!  Why?  Well, its very useful and not too expensive!  In fact, it costs less than $5!!!  Its The Original Dish Drying Mat!  Now, I love my dishwasher, but I often wash my dishes by hand - at least a few of them.  But if I've got a full load, they often don't all fit into the dish strainer.  So I put a dish towel on the counter to lay the rest of the dishes on.  That doesn't usually go very well.  I mean, dish towels aren't very absorbent, so they usually end up getting soaked - and soaking my counter.

Not a problem anymore!  WooHoo! This dish drying mat is a piece of foam between 2 layers of high quality, super absorbent microfiber!  Yippee!!!  No more soggy counters!!!  You can also use it under your dish strainer in place of plastic drain board!  How cool! And it comes in several different colors!  This thing is gonna be a LIFE SAVER at Thanksgiving and Christmas too!  There are always tons of dishes to wash at holiday meals!!!

And another AWESOME feature of this mat is that it has a hook, so you can hang it up when not using it.  But it also folds up nicely, so you can store it in a drawer or cabinet if you want!  AWESOME!!!

If you'd like to check out all of "The Original" products, you can do so HERE.
You can buy The Original Dish Drying Mat at Bed Bath and Beyond HERE.
"Like" The Original Dish Drying Mat on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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