
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

PRK Products Baby Food and Drink Organizers Review

When my little one was first born, I needed all the help I could get with organizing!  When you come home from the hospital with a baby, you also begin accumulating LOTS OF STUFF!!!  Now, granted, its stuff that you need - bottles, baby food jars, spoons, sippies, etc, but it still takes over your home!  Thankfully, the folks at PRK Products Inc. have helped solve that problem!

The wonderful folks at PRK sent me both of their products to review, and I have to say, I LOVE THEM BOTH!

The first product I received was the Universal Baby Food Jar Organizer...

This organizer is easy to put together and comes with 2 sets of dividers so that you can choose what size baby food you want to put in it.  If fits both jarred foods and the square plastic baby food containers.  You can use it in your cabinet, or on your counter to store the food, or you can put it in the fridge.  Oh!  And I also realized that this organizer will hold individual packages of jello and pudding!  AWESOME!!!  So even after your little one stops using baby food, you can still use the organizer!!!

The second item I received was the Universal Baby Bottle and Sippy Cup Organizer...

This organizer is SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!!  First of all, its a lot sturdier than I thought it would be!  Also, its expandable!!!  You have 3 differnent choices as to what width you want to make it.  (The picture above is the narrowest it will go - which would be PERFECT for those little 4 oz baby bottles!)  It also comes with a nifty little basket to hold the bottle tops and sippy tops!

Here is the organizer at its 2nd width.  Its PERFECT for my little one's sippies!!!

And here it is at its widest width.  Perfect for larger bottles and sippies!!!

If you'd like to check out PRK Products Inc. for yourself, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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