
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Slap Watch Review

Have you heard of SLAP Watches?  If not, you're just not cool!  Just kidding!  But seriously, when I received these watches in the mail, I was immediately transported back to my childhood!  Remember slap bracelets?  They looked like sticks and you slap them on your wrist.  They were all the rage when I was younger.  Well, the folks at Big Time Brands took that idea and developed it into a watch!

The good folks at Big Time Brands were kind enough to send me 4 different watches to review! -

The first watch I received was the Hello Yellow Slap Watch...

I chose this one because I wanted to try something different.  And this watch is DEFINITELY different!  Wanna make a statement?  Get a bold watch like this one!  This one is very sporty!  LOVE it!  :)

The second watch I received was the "Slap Summer in Margarita Green" (one of their new ones!)

This is my FAVORITE!!!  I just LOVE it!!!  Its colorful, but not "wild" like the Hello Yellow watch, so its perfect for everyday wear!  I also love how thick the band is!  It reminds me of those "cuff bracelets" that are so popular now!  I feel like I'm wearing a watch AND an awesome bracelet all in one!  :)

The third watch I received was this Nantucket Blue Slap Jr. Watch...

The "Jr." watches are perfect for a young person, but they are also great for an adult who wants a thinner band!

And lastly, I received the Slap Nautical Jr. watch (again, another of their newer watches)!

This watch again, is perfect for a young lady OR a woman who wants a thinner band!  Its colorful and fun!

Things I Like About SLAP Watches:
1.) The fit pretty much everybody!  - Because the wrap around your wrist, they are pretty versitile!  :)
2.) They come in bold, fun colors AND basics! - They have black, white, navy blue, etc!
3.) The watch faces are interchangeable! - The watch face actually comes out of the watch band, so if you buy several you can mix and match to make your own "watch statement!"
4.) The make 2 sizes! - Something for everybody! Thick bands, thin bands, regular sized and junior watches!  Awesome!

Here's a pic to show you the difference in the Orignal and the Junior watches.

If you'd like to check out SLAP Watches for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" SLAP Watches on Facebook HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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