
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

TruKid Skincare Review and PROMO CODE

As I've mentioned before, I'm always looking for healthy, safe, and natural skincare products for my little one, so I was really excited when TruKid contacted me about doing a review of their products!  All of their products are specifically for kids and are all natural and chemical-free!!!  WhooHoo!

We received 2 items for review.  The first one was this adorable Bubbly Body Wash...

I love the packaging of this item!  So cute!  And it really works well!  We used it tonight and it was very sudsy!  And it smells A.W.E.S.O.M.E.  Really awesome!  It had sort of a fruity, citrus-y smell, which I love!  SO much better than that "powder fresh" scent that most baby/kid products have!  YUM!  And this wash is gentle, so it cleans your little one, but doesn't strip their skin of moisture!

The second item we received was the Happy Face and Body Lotion.  Again, this stuff smells SOOOOO GOOD!!!  And, its super sensitive and moisturizing! Plus both items are free of any parabens, phthalates, SLS, or artificial colors or fragrances.  Even the bottles are BPA free!  How awesome is that!!!

I was thrilled with this body wash and lotion!  Not only are they super safe, but they smell so good!  (My little one is nearly 2 years old, and I'm getting a little tired of that "baby powder fresh" smell that most baby washes and lotions have!)  These were such a nice change!  :)

The AWESOME folks at TruKid have kindly offered my readers a promo code!  Use promo code happymom at checkout and receive a FREE Happy Face and Body Lotion with any order of $30 or more! (One use per customer.)

If you'd like to check out TruKid for yourself, you can do so HERE.
"Like" TruKid on Facebook HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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