
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Annabel Karmel Cookbooks Review

I'm always looking for safe, fun recipes to cook for my little one.  I want to make sure that I feed her a healthy, well-balanced diet, but I often find myself in a cooking rut - making the same things over and over again, especially at breakfast and lunch.  Thank goodness for Annabel Karmel's INCREDIBLE line of cookbooks geared specifically towards families!!!

The Awesome folks at Annabel Karmel were kind enough to send me 3 cookbooks to review.  The first book I received was The Healthy Baby Meal Planner...
This book is AMAZING!  It gives tons of great information and recipes for feeding kids from their very first foods all the way to their toddler years.  Besides recipes, this books has lots of info on proper food preparation, the benefits of certain foods, when its appropriate to start feeding babies certain foods, etc.

The second book I received was Top 100 Pasta Dishes...
I LOVE pasta and so does my little one, so I was very excited to recive this book! And, again, this book has recipes that are appropriate for infants as well as toddlers!  But what's so awesome about this book is that the recipes look just as delicious for adults!!!  (Oh, and this book is FULL of color photos of the different pasta dishes, which I love! - PS - the Stir-fried Beef with Noodles on page 97 looks INCREDIBLE!!!!)

The final book that I received was Favorite Family Meals...
Again, this book is full of recipes that the entire family can enjoy!!!  There are lots of incredible pictures in this book as well!  I love that Annabel Karmel has put lots of great breakfast and lunch ideas in here!  But there's also a TON of fabulous dinner recipes - including an entire chapter of vegetarian recipes!!!

If you'd like to check out Annabel Karmel's website, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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