
Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Bum Book Review

I remember when my first little one was born.  I was SO TIRED.  (All you moms know what I mean!  Haha!)  Keeping up with when I had fed my sweet one, changed a diaper, gave a bath, etc. was sometimes difficult.  I used a plain notebook, but it ended up looking like a jumble after a while because I wasn't sure how to structure it.  I won't have that same problem this go around though, thanks to the awesome folks at!!!  They were kind enough to send me one of their FABULOUS My Bum Books for review!

This book is FANTASTIC!!!  It comes in green, so its perfect for a boy or a girl!  (They even have an orange version made just for twins! - That's incredible, because you don't have to worry about 2 separate books!)

This book has everything you need to keep track of that important info for your newborn!  There's a page in the front for you to write down all the important numbers you will need, like the pediatrician, an emergency number, poison control, the pharmacy, and even what things your little one is allergic to!

There's also a set of pages for you to keep track of all of your little one's weight gains and immunizations!  (This is important info to have at your finger tips in case of an emergency, but its also great to have just for fun!)

The majority of the book is filled with "Day" and "Night" pages to keep track of your little one's feedings, naps, diaper changes and all of that important info that is sometimes hard to remember when you have "new mommy brain."  LOL!  You can also keep track of doctor's appointments and other important info on these pages!  Here's an example...

Oh!  And its spiral bound! That makes it super easy to write in, even if you only have one hand available - like when you're rocking that sweet baby in your other arm!  :)

This book is FANTASTIC!  And, I think its a GREAT gift for any new or expecting mom!   It would make a great baby shower gift or would be great in any gift basket!

If you'd like to check out the My Bum Book for yourself, you can do so HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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