
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mommy's Bliss Review

I have to say, I'm VERY interested in finding safe, natural products for my kids.  There's just too much "junk" out there these days.  Thankfully, I've found a great company with some great natural products - Mommy's Bliss!!!  Mommy's Bliss was started by Roshan Kaderali - a registered nurse, lactation consultant, doula and midwife.  ( I love when I find products that were invented by professionals that are also moms!  Its the best of both worlds!)

The awesome folks at Mommy's Bliss sent me their FULL LINE of products for review!  The first products I received were their Gripe Water products...

The infant Gripe Water (and Apple Gripe Water) are all-natural solutions for infant gas and stomach discomforts like colic, hiccups, and teething.  I can't tell you how many moms I know that swear by this product!  I know moms that say they won't be caught without it!  (I guess that's why its not only pediatrician recommended, but its also the #1 selling natural remedy for colic and gas!!!) 

And, just so your toddler isn't left out, they also have a great Kids Upset Tummy & Nausea Remedy!  And again, its natural!  WhooHoo!!!  Its a great way to ease stomach discomfort caused by nausea, motion sickness, bloating, and gas!!!

I also received their Sweet Slumber line of products...

This line starts with a great 3-in-1 Baby Wash, Shampoo, and Bubble Bath.  This wash has extracts of lavender, chamomile and ylang ylang that are historically associated with relaxation and sleep.  It has no drying agents and won't irritate sensitive skin - with is great for babies!!!  Its made with natural, soothing botanicals, is free of alcohol, sulfates, phthalates and parabens, is tear free, has no artificial fragrances, gluten or soy, is hypoallergenic, and is 100% vegetarian and vegan!!!

The next item in this line is a wonderful Massage Cream.  Again, this cream has extracts of lavender, chamomile, and ylang ylang.  And again, it free of all that junk!  A perfect way to finish off baby's night time bath.

The last product in this line is their Sweet Slumber Mist.  You can spray it on baby's blanket, pajamas, bedding, etc! 

What better to get your baby ready for bed than to give them a great bath, give them a massage with a soothing, calming lotion, and then spray their room with a slumber spray!!!

Check out Mommy's Bliss' website HERE.
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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