
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bink Link Review

As I've mentioned before, my second sweet baby is quite a pacifier lover!  Unfortunately, my first little one never took a paci, so we didn't really have any paci-supplies when we came home from the hospital.  A dear friend was kind enough to supply us with quite a few pacis as part of her baby shower gift to us, but we didn't have any pacifier clips.  So I went on the hunt.  And what did I find?  Some of the cutest pacifier clips EVER from Bink Link!!!

How cute are these!!!???!!!  They are made of wood, so they are very sturdy and will last along time.  They are also ADORABLE and very fashionable!  The creators of Bink Link have made tons of different, stylish designs!

I received this precious "Peas and Carrots" Bink Link...

I love love love it!  Check out how cute and colorful this one is - with beads that resemble little peas and carrots.  And its very gender neutral!!!

And just in case we're in the mood for something more girly, we also received the "Candy Necklace" version...

Oh my word!  The most precious pacifier clip EVER!!!  As soon as I saw this I was transported back to my childhood - and those candy necklaces we used to all love!  So precious!  And the pastel colors are just lovely!!!

These pacifier clips would make a FANTASTIC baby shower gift - or a great stocking stuffer or Easter Basket stuffer for baby's first holidays!!!  And they have tons of adorable and fashionable designs to choose from!!!

Check out all the great choices at the Bink Link website HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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