
Saturday, March 23, 2013

DottieBox Review

I love a good subscription box!  They are so much fun!  Getting a little surprise box full of fun things makes each month like your birthday!  I also love Etsy!!!  I'm a bit of a "crafter" so I love seeing handmade items that other people have made!  That's what makes Dottiebox LLC so fun and unique!  Its the best of both!!!

Dottiebox LLC sends a lovely little box full of handmade items to your door each month! - All for just $20 a box and $6 shipping!  WooHoo!!!  The lovely folks at Dottiebox were kind enough to send me their VERY FIRST BOX (March 2013)!!!  WooHoo!

As soon as the box arrived it I noticed that it smelled AWESOME - before I even opened it - so I knew there must be something like a lovely candle inside!  And I was right!  There was a "Butt Naked" votive from 1Love Candles (middle of the picture).  This thing smells SOOOO good!!!!

I also received 2 heart-shaped wine charms from Jen Ramsey Designs (far right side of picture).  These little heart-shaped charms are so cute and fun!!!  There was also a promo code for 10% off of your first order!

And to add some fashion fun, I received a set of mustache decals from Make It Stick Designs (middle of the picture - below candle votive).  These little decals are so much fun!  And, as I'm sure you know, mustaches are very "in" now.  (Tom Selleck must be so happy!)  There was also a promo code for 10% off of your next order!

Next I received a set of really colorful and fun hair chalks from Sharee Boutique. (Far left of picture) These are really cute!  And I'm going to love playing around with coloring my hair and my daughter's!

And to add a little fashion to my next cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, I received an adorable Coffe Cozy from Baby Off The Hook (right side above wine charms).  This cozy is so cute!!!  I love the teal color and the lovely little bow!!!  (I also received a promo code for 15% off!)

And lastly, I received a 15% off promo code from Ebe and Ash Jewelry and Accessories!

And as an added surprise, I received a Hazelnut Latte Lip Balm made by Dottiebox!  What a lovely little extra!!!

I can't wait to see what awesome handmade items Dottiebox sends in their April boxes!!!

Check out the Dottiebox LLC website HERE.
"Like" Dottiebox LLC on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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