
Friday, March 22, 2013

HeidiKids Baby Toys Review

I'd like to introduce you to a fabulous toy company I just recently learned about - HeidiKids!

 This wonderful company provides quality, wooden toys made in Germany.  And their toys are safe, colorful and full of fun!  The nice folks at HeidiKids were kind enough to send me 3 items to review.  The first was this lovely, True Colors Pacifier Holder...


My first baby refused to take a pacifier.  My second, however, is addicted to hers already and she's only a month old!  But since our first never used one, that left me on a mad dash to find some pacifier clips.  This one is great!  It clips very securely to her clothing, it can be used with a pacifier with or without a ring, and its SOOO cute!!!  (Oh, and as a woman, I just have to say that I love that the rainbow beads mean that it matches practically any outfit! - Some things are very important.  You know, like fashion.)  :)

We also received this adorable Rainbow Rattle...

Once again, this rattle is just so colorful and cute!!!  I love that it has the longer bars that make it easy for an infant to grasp.  And it also has a little blue bell to add a little bit of sound!  I love that the colors make it stimulate your baby's sense of sight, the balls make it stimulate your baby's sense of touch, and the bell makes it stimulate your baby's sense of hearing!

And lastly, we received this precious Arthur the Bear Rattle...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all 3 of the products that we received, but I think Arthur is my favorite - simply because he's so stinkin' cute!!!  He's not fancy at all - which is what I love!  He's simple, adorable, and fun to play with!  And I love the added colorful balls in the middle!  Once again, this little rattle is very stimulating for baby.  The hole in the bottom makes it very easy for baby to grasp.  And baby can also easily spin the colorful balls in the middle!

All of HeidiKids' Toys are made from wood and use water-based , 100% nontoxic and saliva resistant paints!  This is very important to this safety-conscious mama!  These are definitely well-made, quality, and adorable toys!!!

Check out all of HeidiKids' fabulous toys HERE.

"Like" HeidiKids on Facebook HERE.

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from the company mentioned above, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed above are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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