
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rockin' Baby Sling Review

Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from this company/website, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.
I love baby wearing!  I don't do it constantly, but it is very handy!  Its a great way to bond with your little one and it can also be great relief for your arms and back!  The folks at Rockin' Baby sling recently sent me one of their lovely slings for review...

I received this sling late last week and I was excited to try it out.  I've used baby carriers and baby wraps (which I really like), but I've never used a sling before, so I was interested to see if it worked well or not.  With that in mind, I decided to take it with me to church Sunday morning and I'm SO GLAD I did!!!  I was just planning on using it for the 15-30 minutes before church started (walking around, talking to everybody, etc.) because baby girl normally goes in the nursery during the service.  But this past Sunday morning her nursery worker was sick so I needed to take her in to the service with me.  Normally this means back aches and arm pain because its hard to hold her in one position for an hour.  But this time I had my sling!  I slipped her in and she was happy as a clam!!!

It made things SO much easier!  And she really loved staying in it!  Plus, my back and arms were saved!  WooHoo!  And when she was ready to get out, I was able to losen the sling slightly and lift her right out and just leave the sling on.  That way, when I wanted to put her back in I could simply slip her back in and pull the tail to get it tight and secure!!!  (That was A LOT easier than a baby wrap that you have to wrap and tie every time you take it off!)  Also, I live in the Deep South, so its HOT and HUMID!!!  That makes using a baby wrap difficult.  All those layers of fabric wrapped around my back and waist just make me extremely hot during the summer.  (I don't mind that during the winter, but during the summer its just too hot.)  But the sling simply rests on my shoulder.  No layers of fabric wrapped around me - which means the sling is much more comfortable for me to wear during the summer!

But Rockin' Baby is concerned with more than just selling slings!  In 2011 Kathryn Wiley (a mother of 5) bought Rockin' Baby.  She wanted her company to do good, so she decided that they would donate slings to mothers in need.  Her first stop?  Haiti.  Why?  Because Haiti has the highest infant mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere!  So, for every Rockin' Baby sling that is sold, a brand new sling is given to a mom in need, and she is instructed on its importance - mother-to-mother!  Now mothers in Haiti can take care of their older children, cook, clean, and work - all while keeping their babies safe and close.  I think that's a pretty amazing mission!!!  And although Rockin' Baby sells slings in many colors and patterns, all of the slings donated to Haiti are orange with red rings (just like the one I received).  There's a purpose in this too!  That way, whenever you are watching a news story or documentary on Haiti and you see a woman with an orange sling, you will realize that YOU had a part in that!  How awesome is that???!!!

After wearing this sling for several days, I'd recommend it just because its useful and works very well.  But knowing what wonderful charity work they are doing really puts them over the top for me!  If you have a baby or know someone who is expecting, you should definitely check out Rockin' Baby!

Check out all of the great slings at
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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from this company/website, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

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