
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Naughty Baby Diapers Review

Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from this company/website, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.

I recently switched to cloth diapers - at least while we are at home.  We still use disposables sometimes when we are out, but for the most part we are cloth diapering.  I love it - for a couple reasons.  First of all, its more eco-friendly.  And secondly, it saves money!  Disposable diapers are PRICEY!!!!  So when the folks at Naughty Baby offered to send me some diapers for review I jumped at the chance!  Here's what I received...

3 solid-print diapers - I really love the colors!  They are bright, vibrant, and cheerful!!!

4 pattern diapers - The blue jeans print and heart print are very cute, but I'm IN LOVE with the Mickey Mouse and the Pink Panda prints!!!  So cute!!!!

So here's what I like about these diapers:
1.) Like I said before, they SAVE MONEY!!!
2.) They are also eco-friendly!
3.) The outer layer is cute and stylish and the inner layer is made of water-proof PUL material.
4.) They fit kids from 6 to 31 lbs!  No need to "age up."  The multiple snaps make them adjustable so they will probably fit your baby from birth to potty training!
5.) Each diaper comes with a triple layer microfiber insert for great absorption!
6.) They are very reasonably priced!  Cloth diapers can be pretty pricey, but these diapers are $12 each.  And right now they are on sale $7.95 each!  That's a GREAT price - especially when you consider that they will last you the entire time that your baby is in diapers!!!

I also received 3 extra microfiber inserts.  These are great for adding extra absorbency during naptime or trips in the car, etc.  Usually during naptime I add an extra insert inside the diaper, so having some extras is very helpful!

And lastly, I received a roll of their disposable liners.  If you have been considering cloth diapering, but don't relish the thought of cleaning out poopy cloth diapers, these liners are for you!  When your little one poops, simply pull this out of the diaper, throw it in the toilet and flush!  WooHoo!  Also, the wetness goes through these so that helps keep your little one's bottom drier - which helps prevent diaper rash and irritation!  That's awesome too!

If you'd like to check out Naughty Baby Diapers, you can do so at

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Disclosure - Per FTC Regulations, I am disclosing that I received product(s) from this company/website, free of charge, for review. I was in no other way compensated for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own, honest opinions and any claims should be verified on the sponsor's site.


  1. Have you had problems with naughtybaby drying out your little one's bum? I was given one right as I started potty training (only using sposies prior) and used it at night so he got used to the cloth. He dried out really bad. I wasn't sure if it was just his skin adjusting to something new or if it was the diaper. I want to order some but don't want to order more if they are going to dry him out.

    1. Hi Tamara! No, I haven't noticed any difference in the baby when she wears the NaughtyBaby diapers versus her other cloth diapers. No drying out that I'm aware of. :)

  2. I see where you raved over how things looked, but how did the diapers perform? Whether things leak or not is important! :)

    1. Hi Jessica! Thanks for the question! So far, I haven't had any leaking issues! I don't see any difference between these diapers and the more expensive ones we own. I guess time will be the judge. :)

  3. I have been considering these. Are you still happy with them a month later?

    1. Hi! Actually, the review was done in September of 2013, so its been nearly 7 months! Yes. I'm still happy! I don't use cloth diapers exclusively, so mine probably don't get as much wear as someone who only used CD, but I am very happy. I have all sorts of cloth diapers and can't tell a difference between these and the more expensive ones. I can't remember any leaks. :)

  4. Hi! Do you own Sunbaby diapers? Which is better? Sunbaby or Naughty Baby? Thanks!

    1. Hi! I didn't notice a difference. They both seemed about the same to me. Fit well, easy to use, wash well, etc. Hope that helps. :)
