
Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Love Letters from God" Book Review

Well, a new book arrived for review today - "Love Letters from God," by Glenys Nellist.  Since the girls were napping, I decided to go ahead and give it a read.  (I always like to read the girls' books before we read them together, so that I can make sure they are appropriate.  This book is not only appropriate, its a wonderful children's book.

Each page spread has a different Bible story on the left side - creation, Samuel hearing God's voice, David and Goliath, the birth of Jesus, etc.  The stories are short - no more than 2-4 small paragraphs - which makes them perfect for bedtime.

On the right page is a "love letter" from God to your child.  There's even a place for you to write in your child(ren)'s name(s) to make it personal!  Each love letter goes with the story on that page.  For example, after the story of Jonah and the big fish, there's a love letter all about how God hears us when we pray - just like He heard Jonah's pleas.

The book finishes with the story of the crucifixion and then the story of the resurrection.  Then, on the final two pages there's an "invitation" for your child to "join Jesus' team."

The invite isn't a heavy-duty gospel presentation.  Its just an open door to give you a chance to speak with your child about accepting Jesus into their heart.  If your child does accept Jesus, there's a space on the final page that says "My Love Letter to God" where your child can write a response to God's invitation.

There are so many things that I loved about this book.  The illustrations are beautiful, colorful, and eye-catching.  The stories are short and to the point, so they can keep a little one's attention.  Each story focuses on one of God's attributes or characteristics - God's love, God's forgiveness, God's protection of us, God's guidance of us, God's willingness to listen to our prayers, etc.  And I love that the end is a simple invitation.  That way you can decide how you wish to speak with your child about salvation.  All in all, I'd give this book 5 stars!  :)

I received a copy of this book, free or charge, from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Rebekka, for this lovely review of my book! I pray that it will be a blessing to your girls!
