
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

NIV "Once-A-Day Bible for Leaders: Book Review

If you've been keeping up with my book reviews, you've noticed I love to review study Bibles!  Most of the ones I've reviewed so far have been in Kindle format.  This has its advantages and disadvantages.  One HUGE advantage is that you can have 10 or 20 huge study Bibles all in one place and they don't take up tons of bookshelf space.  If you are like me and live in a smaller house, this is wonderful.  But sometimes its just great to have that Bible in your hands.  I received a paperback version of the NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Leaders and I'm so glad I did.  This way it was really easy to see how its laid out.

This study Bible combines a few awesome study helps together: the Word of God, a "read through the Bible" guide, and reflections on the reading for that day.  Each day's reading has a Scripture for the Old Testament, a Scripture from the New Testament, and either a reading from Psalms or Proverbs.  I find that this is a more effective way to read than just reading straight through the Bible, as it keeps you from getting bogged down when you are reading things like 1 & 2 Chronicles.

One thing I really love about the "read through the Bible" guide is that it doesn't have particular dates.  For example, many guides say "January 1st", etc.  Instead, this guide just says "Day One."  Although this may seem like a very minor distinction, it really helps you not feel "hopeless" if you get behind.  For example, we just got back from vacation. While I did read on that trip, I didn't keep up with my Bible reading as well as I should have.  It would have been frustrating to come home and be on October 7th when I should be on October 14th.  One of three things would have happened: I would have stressed myself out trying to catch up; I would have read so quickly to catch up that my Bible reading would become meaningless; or I would have just given up.  But without those dates, you just pick up where you left off and continue on.  And really, isn't that what we are supposed to do?  That alone makes this study Bible worth looking into!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

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