
Thursday, November 6, 2014

"NKJV Study Bible: Full Color Edition" Review

As I've mentioned many times, I love study Bibles!  So I loved being able to review this one. I've received several Kindle version study Bibles for review, but I was excited to receive an actual copy of this one since its a "full color" study Bible!

Here's what I like:
1.)  Its full-color.  The study notes/cultural notes are in color, so the pictures are vibrant and eye-catching. Here's an example of a cultural note on tents in biblical times.

I love that it includes a picture of a typical tent.  I'm the kind of person that likes visuals, so this is right up my alley.
2.) There are "in-text" maps.  I like this because I don't have to flip to the back to check out a map.  For example, in Matthew 5 there is a map called "Jesus' Baptism and Temptation."  I love that I can see the areas on the map while I'm reading the Bible stories that correspond to them.  I really brings the stories - and the connections between the stories - to life.  But don't worry!  If you are reading about something of talking about something with a friend and want to look at the biblical map, you don't have to search through the Bible.  There's also a maps section in the back!
3.) Each book of the Bible starts out with an introduction and a timeline.  This really helps you understand the background of the book, who wrote it, when events took place, etc.
4.) There's extra study help in the back!  The back of this study Bible contains lots of helpful info:
     A.) A table of monies, weights & measures
     B.) A list of teachings and illustrations of Christ
     C.) A list of prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus Christ
     D.) A list of the parables of Jesus Christ
     E.) A list of the miracles of Jesus Christ
     F.) A list of prayers of the Bible
     G.) An index
     H.) A concordance
     I.) And a maps section

Here's what I don't like:
1.) This Bible is hard cover and very thick.  I tend to prefer leather bound study Bibles as they tend to be slightly less bulky.  But then again, leather Bibles are more expensive.  And also, a study Bible with so much great info is going to be bulky since the Bible is a substantial book without the notes.

I'd definitely recommend this Study Bible!!!

I received a copy of this study Bible, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

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