Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Duck Commander Devotions for Kids" Book Review

I have to say, I'm a big fan of Duck Dynasty.  I think its hilarious.  But more importantly, when I watch the show, I genuinely feel like they are people that I'd be friends with.  And I love their sweet testimony, so I was thrilled when I saw that Kori had written a kids' devotional.

I was very pleased with this devotional.  Here's why:
1.)  Its not long or complicated.  - As parents of three little ones, we have several devotions for kids.  Some of them are long and in-depth.  Some are not.  While I love the ones that are deep and wordy, I also appreciate ones that are short and to the point.  After all, as a busy mom, I'm often trying to corral at least one kid during reading time.
2.) The book is filled with personal stories from Kori & Willie, their kids, and their family.  - I love that Kori writes about herself and her own kids.  It really makes the little lessons come to life.  For example, in a devotion about loving and honoring your dad, she tells the story of her son watching Bambi and how much he loved the scene where Bambi stood next to his father.  Then she tied that into her son's love for his own dad.  This really brought to life what it means to love and respect your dad.
3.) Each devotion has a Bible verse to go with it. - Kori and Chrys begin each devotion with a Bible verse.  What better way to start!?!
4.) Each devotion ends with a little prayer. - I love that there's a simple, little prayer that you can pray with your kids at the end of each devotion.  And I love that its also basically the lesson that you can learn from the story.  For example, at the end of a devotion called "Don't Worry - Trust God," the prayer says, "Dear God, thank You for always being there for me.  Help me to trust You more and to turn my worries over to You.  In Jesus' name, Amen."
5.) There's a little box with each devotion on how to put that devotion into action. - Kids often need concrete examples of "how" to do something.  For example, I can tell my four year old that she needs to love her little sisters, but she won't be quite sure "how" to put that into action.  I have to give her examples, like sharing, hugging her sister when she's sad, etc.  Kori and Chrys have a little section at the end of each devotion called "Duck Commander in Action" where they give you ideas of how to put what you've learned into action. For example, in a devotion on being generous, they suggest that the kids find a way to be generous to others, like giving away toys or clothes to someone else.

I'm very pleased with this little devotional.  Its cute, its easy for the kids to comprehend, and it puts God's Word into action!

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers, in exchange for my honest review.

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