
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"For The Love" Book Review

I love Jen Hatmaker.  There.  I said it.  And I mean it.  We've never met in person, but I feel like we're soul sisters.  She gets it.  She really gets it.  And she's able to write about it in a simple, yet profound; touching, yet hilarious style.  I first became acquainted with Jen when I read "7."  It was funny - REALLY funny.  Like wet your pants kinda funny.  But it was also deep and spiritual.  (How on earth does she hit both of those extremes in one book!?!) So when I got the opportunity to review "For The Love," I said, "I'm in!  Sign me up NOW!"

"For The Love" did not disappoint. While it isn't the same "type" of book that "7" is, its great in its own right.  Basically, "For The Love" is  a series of Jen's personal musings on love.  Its broken up into 4 sections: "Your Very Own Self," "All These People Who Live In Your House," "Friends, Neighbors, Strangers, and Enemies," and "Church, Church People, Non-Church People, and God." Each section has several chapters on how to love "those people." Each section also has a "Thank You Notes" section similar to Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show "Thank You Notes" section.  Its hilarious and totally relatable!  (If you don't know what I' talking about, get on YouTube and type in "Tonight Show Thank You Notes."  You'll laugh until you wet yourself - once again.

What I loved about this book - other than the HILARIOUS writing style of Jen Hatmaker - is that you can really tell that its "her heart."  Its what she believes, what she's learned, and what she's still learning. While I don't agree 100% with Mrs. Hatmaker on all of her theology (but really, who agrees 100% with anyone), she challenges me to really prove my faith.  Why do I disagree? Are my beliefs in that area just personal or are they biblically based?

If you want an enjoyable read with thought-provoking chapters and "laugh 'til you wet yourself" humor, you can't go wrong with Jen Hatmaker!!!  Here's an example of the hilarious truth that you can find in "For The Love:"

"At the writing of this essay, overalls are back. This is too painful to discuss. I beseech Thee, Lord, return them to dust by this book's printing, every last pair. My generation already suffered this blow in the 90s. The pictures live in scrapbooks and cannot be undone. I wore mine with turtlenecks, making my upper front quadrant a true calamity. It's too soon, God. The wounds are still fresh. Spare today's youth, we humbly pray."

Preach it, Jen. You speak truth.

Pre-Order your copy of "For The Love" on or

I received a Kindle version of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

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