
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pedipeds Originals Review

If you read my blog with any regularity, you know how much I LOVE Pediped shoes!  They are great shoes for young, growing feet.  I'll buy inexpensive clothing.  I'll buy from clothing companies I've never heard of before if the clothes are cute.  I'll take the risk.  But I won't risk my children's foot health on cheap shoes!  No way!  Not since I did some research and found out that wearing illfitting shoes can actually change the shape of my little ones' feet and lead to foot problems down the road!  No way!  Its not worth it!  So, my kids only wear a very few shoe brands.  And right at the top of that list?  Pedipeds!

These Pediped Originals in Jazzie Grey are absolutely adorable!!!  They're made of genuine leather.  They have a slip-resistant sole (perfect for my little one year old who is just now learning to walk).  And they are approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association for promoting healthy foot development - which is the BIGGEST selling point for these shoes!

Now, as I've mentioned, my children's foot health is VERY IMPORTANT to me.  I'd pick ugly shoes that promote foot health over cute shoes that are bad for my kids EVERY TIME.  But, thanks to Pediped, I don't have to make that choice!  Not only are their shoes great for my kids' feet, but they are absolutely ADORABLE!  These "owl-faced" shoes are so precious that I can hardly stand it!

I HIGHLY recommend Pediped footwear for kids!  Yes, I've received several pairs for review, but have bought as many pairs as I've received!  That's how much I love and believe in this product!  If you'd like more information on what makes Pediped shoes so great (and more info on the importance of foot health) check out the Pediped "About" Page.

I received this product, free of charge, in exchange for my honest review.

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