
Monday, May 16, 2016

"Hands Free Life: 9 Habits For Overcoming Distraction, Living Better,And Loving More" Book Review

As a book reviewer, I'm blessed to be able to choose the books I'd like to review.  That's why, most of the time I post glowing reviews.  After all, who picks a book they think they're gonna hate, right?  But every once in a while I review a book that doesn't "thrill" me.  Sadly, this was one of those books.

Let me start by saying that I in no way "hated" this book.  It just didn't "grab" me like I wanted to.  As a mom, blogger, social media enthusiast, and self-professed perfectionist, I often feel the need to go "hands-free" - to let go of all the pressure and simply live life.  I wanted this book to show me how.  Maybe that was too much to ask?  Instead, the book seemed filled with anecodotes of the author's life.  While I love a great personal anecdote, this book seemed jam-packed with them - so much so that, if she dropped several of them the book could have been half as long.

There were definitely some valuable parts in this book, like this little gem:
"Although we've been led to believe that our fondest memories are made in the grand occasions of life, in reality, they happen when we pause in the ordinary, mundane moments of a busy day. The most meaningful life experiences don't happen in the 'when,' they happen in the 'now.'"

But sadly, I felt bogged down by all of the anecdotes.  If you love a book that's silled with mostly personal stories, then this may be the book for you.  If you're looking for a book that's heavy on info on how to live a hands free life, this book my not be for you.

I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from BookLook Bloggers, in exchange for my honest review.

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